The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 566 Happiness is enough 2

Chapter 566 Happiness is enough 2
Nangong Xueling's heart moved slightly, she raised her eyes to look at Li Shang, and said with a smile: "Li Shang, did I tell you that you are really not bad."

That's right, Li Shang is also outstanding, whether it is temperament, appearance, or skill, he is not inferior to others in any of them. 
But, he never asked for anything in return.It's like feelings, too.
He said, 'I like you is my thing. ' He said, 'As long as you are happy, then I am happy too. '
How can a person be so silently giving without desire or demand, without needing anything in return.
Li Shang laughed teasingly: "Why, maybe you found out that I'm alright, come on, I don't mind if you throw yourself into my arms and be like a little sheep." After that, he gestured to open his hands and waited for her arrival.
Nangong Xueling rolled her eyes again: "You are boring." 
Little sheep, is that her? 
Li Shang waved his sleeves, said with a smile: "I am thinking of you." 
In fact, he also felt that it was impossible to see the little sheep on her body. 
Nangong Xueling smiled like a flower: "Okay, when you go to Huangquan someday, I will definitely be a little sheep and cry for you in front of your grave." The joke in the tone was full of meaning.
Little sheep, if you think about it, you don't get along with yourself. 
However, what she didn't know was that the unintentional words she said today turned out to be true later on.
Li Shang: "..." He looked at Nangong Nangong with an extremely resentful baby face, his appearance was obviously accusing, like a little white rabbit waiting for a big bad wolf to bully him. 
"Haha..." Seeing Li Shang's appearance, Nangong Xueling leaned forward and backward with a smile.
Could this guy be any more funny? 
Such an appearance is really cute.
Li Shang stared at the sky speechlessly, is it so funny?
Nangong Xueling stopped laughing, and suddenly became serious: "Li Shang." 
"What's wrong?" Li Shang looked at her puzzled, not understanding why she suddenly became so serious. 
Nangong Xueling frowned slightly, and burst out a sentence that made Li Shang very ashamed: "Damn, the gifts for the babies haven't been bought yet."
She came out to buy gifts for the children in Lan Zihan's womb.

But, looking up at the weather, the entanglement in my heart is almost sunset.
It was rare for her to go shopping, and she came back empty-handed, and didn't buy any important things, damn it. 
The corner of Li Shang's mouth twitched, because of this?

Looking at her sudden change of expression, he thought it was something important. It turns out, it turns out...
He chuckled lightly: "It's getting late, let's go back early, I'll buy it with you tomorrow, anyway I want to buy it. More people, one more reference." 
There is still some time before the date of the birth of the two children, and there is plenty of time.
Nangong Xueling nodded: "Well, okay, let's go shopping tomorrow. I looked at the things on the street and didn't know what to buy." She also went shopping for more than an hour this morning, but she didn't seem to know buy what.
Since Li Shang also wants to buy it, let's take a long time to see which one is good and which one is suitable.

"Well, let's go back, it's getting dark." Li Shang smiled, looking at the fiery red sunset in the sky, night is coming. 
"Okay, go back and let Wuchen see if your injuries are serious." Nangong Xueling nodded, and she hadn't forgotten Li Shang's injuries before leaving.Regardless of whether it is serious or not, it is always good to let Mo Wuchen take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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