Chapter 567 Don't Ask
"Okay." Li Shang said with a smile.

She was worried about him from the beginning, he knew it, and his heart was warm.

When the two returned to the palace, the first thing they did was to find Mo Wuchen.

In the hall, Leng Yichen, Lan Zihan and Mo Wuchen were having dinner.

Without those two live treasures, the atmosphere was a little quieter.

"Wu Chen, show Li Shang whether his internal injuries are serious or not." Nangong Xueling's voice came from outside the hall, with a hint of impatience.

Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows in surprise, looked at Nangong Xueling, then at Li Shang.

Indeed, Li Shang's complexion was slightly pale, although it wasn't very obvious, but one could find it by observing carefully.

What surprised her was why Li Shang suffered internal injuries, and what Nangong Xueling said was definitely not a lie.

So, today's abnormality is because of Nangong Xueling?
Mo Wuchen touched Li Shang's pulse with one hand, raised his eyes to look at him, and said lightly, "Why are you injured?"

He and Li Shang grew up in the blood palace, and they knew each other very well.

Therefore, he naturally knew that Li Shang would not take the initiative to provoke others, and he would never use the flute sound he was good at.

Although he doesn't like words and doesn't communicate with others, they are all friends and people who know each other.

Li Shang curled his lips into a smile: "Wuchen, it's okay." He didn't answer Mo Wuchen's question, but changed the subject.

Nangong Xueling didn't say it, he wouldn't say it.Besides, he could see that she wouldn't want to say it.

Then, he will keep it a secret.

Mo Wuchen nodded: "The qi and blood are too messy, just take some medicine to adjust the breath for a few days, and you can't use your internal force for a few days, so pay attention to yourself."

Since he didn't want to talk about it, he wouldn't ask any more questions, as long as he had nothing to do.

When Mo Wuchen said that nothing happened, Nangong Xueling was obviously relieved.

Lan Zihan looked at Nangong Xueling's expression, and smiled jokingly: "Where did you go, come back like this, could it be that you were upset with Li Shang and beat him up."

She knew that things would not be so simple. Although Li Shang's martial arts were not as powerful as Leng Yichen's, she had never underestimated him. People in the Blood Palace are all very accomplished in martial arts, so they can be seen in the outside world. No more than five injured him.

Now that he came back from internal injuries, there is only one explanation, and that is the internal injuries he suffered when fighting with others.

This is Tianchen's territory, no one has the guts to dare to attack them, and no one can hurt him.

The phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and there was already some clarity in his heart.

No one in Tianchen would take action against Li Shang, but that is not necessarily the case for people from other countries, just like Yue Yexie.

I am afraid that the person who hurt him is Yue Yexie.

The corner of Nangong Xueling's mouth twitched: "Do you think I will be that boring?" Would she be so boring, would she be so bored to beat Li Shang?can you?can you?

Lan Zihan nodded seriously: "Very likely." There was a playful look in her eyes.

She doesn't intervene in the affairs between her and Li Shang. This kind of matter is useless to outsiders. She really wants to see if the relationship between them will come to an end, or they can only be brothers and friends in this life.

Nangong Xueling fell silent, she stopped talking.

Li Shang sat at the table and poured a cup of tea, chuckled and said, "Cousin, you just want her to beat me up so much."

Speaking of this, Nangong Xueling didn't seem to have ever fought with him. They were always teasing or making noise with each other, and they didn't fight each other at all.

(End of this chapter)

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