Chapter 575 Strange Forest 1
He watched for a long time and didn't understand what they were trying to express.

"You can only understand, but you can't say it, Mr. Ye, this is the tacit understanding that Xidian and I have been training together since we were young, and we have completed tasks together." Xi Lei said to Ye Feiyu with a smile, and there was a hint of pride in his eyebrows.

Speaking of this, he, Xidian, Xiyu and Xifeng were all rescued by Leng Yichen. The four of them trained together and grew up together since they were young. overcame.

The eye contact between him and Xi Lei is a tacit understanding cultivated since childhood, and it only needs a look or a movement to appreciate it.

Xi Dian also smiled and said, "Yes, Mr. Ye, it's exactly what Xi Lei said."

The corner of Ye Feiyu's mouth curled up, and he nodded with a smile: "Well, I see, you two have been in love for a long time." The joke in the tone was very obvious.

How could he fail to understand what they said, the tacit understanding cultivated since childhood was incomparable to others.

The corner of Xi Lei's mouth twitched and he almost fell off his horse.

The creek electric wind is messy, what's the matter.

The long-term love, thinking of it is a trembling.

Even Li Shang and Nangong Xueling in front couldn't help laughing out loud.

In the midst of everyone's playfulness and laughter, the forest at the junction of the sky, the car and the moon has finally arrived.

Everyone stopped their horses, put away the smiles on their faces, and became serious, ready to fight.

"Damn it, it's such a dense forest, I can't even see what's going on inside." Nangong Xueling looked around, but could only see a little bit of things and scenery in the forest, hesitating that the forest was too dense, There is basically no distance between them and they grow together, which really gives people a sense of frustration.

"It's a bit weird." The smile on Li Shang's baby's face also disappeared, and his expression became slightly serious. Even though he just came out to play with him, seeing such a scene, he couldn't help but complain.

Leng Yichen stared at a dense forest not far in front of him, his expression was cold, and there was no change in his expression.

"Yichen, shall we go in?" Ye Feiyu turned to look at Leng Yichen and asked in a deep voice.

A killing intent flashed in Leng Yichen's ink-like eyes, and it was fleeting: "There is a formation."

This forest is full of weirdness, and it is so dense that the light inside is basically blocked by the dense jungle, and the golden light cannot penetrate.

It's okay if a few people go in, but if a group of people go in together, there will inevitably be losses and casualties.

"Is it difficult?" Ye Feiyu didn't miss the flash of seriousness in Leng Yichen's eyes.

"I don't know, I haven't tried it yet. It's just that the light inside is too dark. If so many people go in, I'm afraid they will get separated, which is not conducive to our actions." Leng Yichen shook his head and said.

He lost his soldiers before the battle started, which he did not want to see.

"You mean to temporarily place the people you bring outside the forest, and let's go in to find out the situation before taking them in." Ye Feiyu analyzed what Leng Yichen said.

"Well, too many people will confuse the direction. No one can predict the unknown danger. They just stay on the periphery for now and wait for our orders." Leng Yichen nodded and said.

If you bring all the fighters you brought into the forest in front of you, it will only count the number of people.

(End of this chapter)

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