Chapter 576 Strange Forest 2
There are too many people, but it is difficult to find a solution to the formation.

When marching and fighting, the most important thing is the morale of the army, and the morale of the army cannot be disturbed.

Therefore, it is the best choice to keep them outside for the time being as a response.

"Well, it's so feasible." Ye Feiyu nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Order, the army will set up camp here, do not enter the forest inside, and wait for the king's instructions." Leng Yichen commanded Xilei and Xidian beside him in a deep voice.

"Yes, my lord." Xi Lei and Xi Dian replied in unison.

"The prince has an order. The army camps at the same place for the time being. We will make further plans after the prince comes out. We must be careful not to give the enemy a chance to enter." Xi Lei and Xi Dian looked at the army and said loudly with.

"Yes." The orderly and solemn voice of the army sounded on the spot.

They just obey and don't ask questions.

"Xilei and Xidian stayed to watch the army, and adapt to any situation." Leng Yichen ordered the two in a deep voice.

"Yes, please rest assured, my lord." Xi Lei and Xi Dian clasped their fists and nodded.

"Feiyu, let's go in." Leng Yichen glanced at Ye Feiyu, and then rode his horse towards the forest ahead.

Ye Feiyu nodded and followed.

Li Shang and Nangong Xueling naturally wanted to go in, and the dead people entered the forest together, and their figures gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Follow me, don't run around." Leng Yichen rode a horse and walked towards the forest alone, and at the same time he did not forget to instruct a few people.

"Yes." The three of them responded in unison.

Leng Yichen is the person who knows the formation best among them, and the three of them followed the route Leng Yichen took tacitly, with serious expressions, without any looseness or slack.

Among them, Nangong Xueling is the one who knows the least about formations. She is from modern times and has nothing to do with these formations at all, so it can be said that she knows nothing at this time, so she can only follow Leng Yichen.

Li Shang rode behind Nangong Xueling, protecting her in a certain posture.

Leng Yichen's face was cold, his eyes were fixed on the front, he didn't look at other places, and he walked forward slowly without distraction.

Suddenly, the originally dense forest in front suddenly changed into a narrow path. The light was still so dim, but the scenery was different.

"Don't look around, follow me, don't get lost." Leng Yichen reminded the three of them again that there are strange things everywhere in this place, and they will be lost if they are negligent.

"Understood." The three replied tacitly.

The figures of the four walked towards that secluded path, none of them made a sound, and they didn't dare to disturb Leng Yichen.

When the figures of the four entered the path of the secluded path, the scenery behind them changed again, but none of them looked back.

At the same moment, the scenery behind them was changing. After they walked on the path for a while, the scenery around them changed again.

Just now it was a quiet path, but now it has turned into a farm, no one lives in it, it can be seen that these houses are old.

Leng Yichen's starry eyes froze slightly, he didn't say anything, and continued walking.

Nangong Xueling followed behind, looking at the changing scenery around her, she couldn't tell whether it was reality or fantasy.

If it is realistic, then this formation is really weird and wonderful.

If it is illusory, this formation is so unpredictable.

(End of this chapter)

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