The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 579 Breaking the Formation 1

Chapter 579 Breaking the Formation 1
Otherwise, simply destroying one is useless.

The star eyes narrowed slightly, could these formations be made by some southern barbarians?
Shaking his head, probably not.

According to what he knew about the southern barbarians, they were rough-looking and stronger than others, but they couldn't think of such formations.

It's not that he hurt them, but the fact that anyone who knows about the Southern barbarians will know.

So, these formations were arranged by others?Looking forward like this, he couldn't help but wonder, such an ingenious mechanism, interlocking with each other, couldn't be funded artificially. He has never heard of any formation master in this world who can create such a perfect formation.

His eyes narrowed slightly, so, is the formation here formed naturally?
So, no one would break into this forest, so what about those passing by?Where did they all go?
Lost his way, or was trapped to death here, everything is unknown.

The three of Ye Feiyu didn't say anything, and followed automatically.

The light is getting darker, and the number is getting more and more lush. The big trees are connected one by one, and there are not many gaps at all, and the clothes are seamless.

Leng Yichen stopped walking, and said in a deep voice, "Stop." Here we are, we have arrived at the most critical point.

"Yichen, what's the matter?" Ye Feiyu looked at Leng Yichen in confusion, and asked.

It looks like a dead place here, there is no way out, and I don't know where the way out is.

The corners of Leng Yichen's lips curled slightly, and a trace of bloodthirsty flashed across his eyes: "Crack the eyes and you can go out." Yes, the eyes are here.

Nangong Xueling breathed a sigh of relief when she heard what Leng Yichen said. She thought she would continue to circle around.The optical fiber here is so dim, there is a kind of eerie feeling, and it is very strange.

Feeling stuffy, she still likes the light, and she really doesn't like it here.

Li Shang looked at her expression, a trace of pampering flashed across his eyes, and he quickly hid it and disappeared.

Leng Yichen picked up a few stones on the ground, and flew up into the air. The coldness and arrogance on his body were so obvious, like a king who ruled the world, overlooking his subjects, overlooking his world.

His icy eyes flicked around, he smiled coldly, and suddenly, he started to move.The several stones in your hand were thrown towards east, west, north, south at the same time. If you observe carefully, you will find that the places where the stones are thrown are the depressions of several big trees, a very small depression.

I don't know how Leng Yichen found out.

The method was still a dull and dense forest, but it changed again at this time, those big trees were gone, surrounded by small bridges and flowing water, strange rocks, flowers, trees, and shrubs.

"Damn it, it's finally out." Nangong Xueling spread out her hands, breathing in the fresh air and enjoying the sunshine.

Ye Feiyu looked at the tightly holding hands of the two, and laughed teasingly: "It's okay if you can't get out, if you can't get out, your family Li Shang will carry you on your back."

Nangong Xueling followed Ye Feiyu's line of sight, and her eyes were fixed on the hand held by that person, she pulled it from Li Shang's hand, and chuckled lightly: "I am a woman, I am the only woman here, you are all married men , whoever will carry me if he doesn’t carry me.”

This is just a hypothesis, she really couldn't imagine that Leng Yichen and Ye Feiyu would carry her on their backs.

Looking at Leng Yichen's indifferent aura, it goes without saying that he will not carry anyone except Lan Zihan. 1013
(End of this chapter)

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