Chapter 580 Acting Separately
Look at Ye Feiyu again, although he is always chic and full of smiles, she also knows his relationship with Leng Siqi.

So, don't expect these two to lend a helping hand to you, it's absolutely impossible.

Besides, there is Li Shang here.

She didn't realize that she treated Li Shang differently. 
Ye Feiyu smiled, he really wanted to say, are you a woman, you are tougher than other women, but he still restrained himself from saying it.

"Cousin-in-law, is this the place where the Nanman people live?" Li Shang looked at the surrounding scenery, it was not bad, and the Nanman people would enjoy it quite a bit.

"It should be so." Leng Yichen looked around and punched, and said in a deep voice.

The formation has been broken, and they have entered the inner circle, so it is the territory of the southern barbarians.

"There is no one, which way should I go?" Ye Feiyu looked at the deserted surroundings, no one was there, and there were several roads, it was really not worth it to go.

"Go straight." Leng Yichen spit out two words, and the figure had already stepped forward.

There are so many crooked roads, it is better to go straight.Besides, he had a hunch that going straight was the right thing to do.

The three of them followed without much hesitation. They believed in Leng Yichen very much, and among them, Leng Yichen was the most perverted and powerful.

The path is full of shrubs and jungles, with strange rocks, and there is still no one in sight.Just when everyone thought that this road was a way of thinking, they suddenly heard Leng Yichen's deep and magnetic voice.

"The target appeared."

The three of them looked along his line of sight, and as expected, a little bulge could be vaguely seen in front of them, which was a house, the house where the Nanman people lived, although they couldn't see it very clearly, it was undoubtedly a house.

The four of them walked forward again, but they just slowed down and didn't act too hastily.

After all, no one knows how many people are there. There are only four of them at present, so it's better not to act rashly and startle the snake.

The four of them stopped more than ten meters away from the houses, squatting in a place with dense grass and leaves, completely covering them.

Leng Yichen looked at the front, row upon row of houses stretched far away, there were two or three Nanban people passing by on the road, they were rough and taller than ordinary people.

"Split up, I'll go find the person in power here." Leng Yichen turned to look at the three of them assigning tasks.

He believes that their martial arts have the ability to protect themselves, as long as they are careful not to be discovered, nothing big will happen.

The most important thing at present is to understand the terrain here, as well as the residence of the highest authority, and understand the general pattern here, so that we can make a better plan for the next step.

"Okay." The three nodded in agreement, it would be inconvenient to act together.

"Xueling, you go with me." Li Shang looked at Nangong Xueling and said, he was worried that she would be alone.

Nangong Xueling thought for a while, then nodded and agreed: "Okay." Although she really wanted to go alone, she knew how to measure it, so it's better to be cautious, after all, this is not a place they are familiar with, and it's good to have Li Shang by her side Take care of some.

"We'll meet here in an hour." After Leng Yichen finished speaking, his figure quickly moved forward, and disappeared from the sight of the three of them in the blink of an eye.

"Let's go too." Ye Feiyu smiled, stood up and walked forward, his figure well hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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