The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 593 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 3

Chapter 593 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 3
The pros and cons of this can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

Although they have never been out of bounds, they still know of some sensational rumors from the outside world.The Moon Emperor was ruthless by nature, killing his brother and father with outrageous methods.

What he was worried about was that he took the initiative to cooperate with them Nanman, but that was not his intention.

The corner of Yun Qinghong's lips curled up into a sneer: "Fei Li, do you think this king is that kind of stupid person?" Even if he could see things, how could he not see them.

On the contrary, from hearing the purpose that Yue Yexie told on the day of his visit, he already had a clear idea of ​​the pros and cons and clues.

It has always been him, Yun Qinghong, who cheated others, when will it be someone else's turn to cheat him.

When the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman benefits. He understands this truth.

It is impossible for Yue Yexie to be the last fisherman.

The man's face froze, and he put his right hand on his chest and saluted respectfully: "It's my subordinate who didn't think carefully, so I ask the king to punish him." How could he have forgotten that the person in front of him was never a kind person, nor was he allowed to be played by others? the Lord.

Therefore, his worry is really superfluous. Wang has already thought it over clearly.

"Go to the base to have a look." Yun Qinghong stood up, walked towards the door.

It's time for him to see how his warriors are doing, after all these years of training.

"Yes, king." The man replied respectfully, and got up to follow.

When Yun Qinghong finished the last sentence, Leng Yichen had already quietly left the room, hid in the dark and watched the two leave before he showed his figure.

The corners of her lips were drawn up slightly, and the bloodlust in her eyes flashed away.

As expected of the king of the Nanman, the city is also very deep.

The next battle should be extremely interesting.When the snipe and the clam compete, the fisherman wins. Everyone wants to be the last fisherman, so it depends on what you can do.

On the brightly lit street, pedestrians passing by in twos and threes.There is a big house nearby, which seems to be a place where people with higher status live.

Leng Yichen followed Yun Qinghong all the way, watching him go in from here with his own eyes.

His eyes narrowed slightly, if he guessed correctly, this is the secret place Ye Feiyu said, a place for training people, the secret place is just below the mansion.

I don't know if it's because of the unique personality and hobbies of the southern barbarians, but they actually built such a base under the mansion.

He quickly jumped up from the high wall, and his figure quickly disappeared into the night.

Ye Feiyu also came here tonight, I don't know if he is under the mansion or inside the mansion.

The black wall is surrounded by black, and no light can penetrate it, giving people a sense of depression.

Various weapons and blueprints were placed on the table on the wall, and a pair of soldiers approached not far away, like guards on patrol, and a figure quickly hid itself.

After everyone disappeared in the passage, the figure appeared. This person was Ye Feiyu in black night clothes.

Originally, he was just patrolling the mansion, but with his sharp eyes, he spotted a few figures in the direction he found by chance.

He didn't intend to enter the underground secret room at first, but this was a good opportunity, he hesitated for a moment, and then quietly followed in.

He looked around fixedly with his eyes. There were several passages. After he followed those people in, he got lost. He didn't know which was the right way, so he came here after wandering around.

(End of this chapter)

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