The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 594 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 4

Chapter 594 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 4
Just as he was about to go to the passage on the left, there was a sound behind him, and the footsteps were getting closer, Ye Feiyu hurriedly dodged and hid in the corner again.

Those who came were none other than Yun Qinghong and his subordinate Fei Li.

He walked towards the passage without much emotion on his face. When he passed by a room, his figure suddenly stopped, and he looked back at the room, frowning slightly.

"Wang, what's the matter?" Fei Li looked at Yun Qinghong puzzled, not understanding what happened.

Ye Feiyu, who was in the room, stopped when he heard the footsteps outside the door, and when he was only separated by a wall, his heart skipped a beat and he held his breath.

It sounds like there should be two people, and one of them calls the other king. So, is it the supreme ruler of the Southern Man?

Even though he was guessing like this, he felt certain in his heart that he must be the king of the Nanman.

He didn't know why they stopped and didn't leave, and didn't know if they found him, the rooms here are all dead ends, if they come in, he can't get out at all, only actual combat.

Put your ears against the wall, listening carefully to the movement outside the wall.

A gloomy look flashed across Yun Qinghong's eyes, she turned around and stretched out her hand to push open the door of the room.

Ye Feiyu's heart was in his throat, his alert state was raised to the highest level, and he was ready for the battle. As soon as he came in, he would strike.

The moment Yun Qinghong was about to push open the door, an eager roar suddenly came from behind the passage.

"It's on fire, come and put out the fire, come and put out the fire..."

Yun Qinghong's hands stopped slightly, he turned around and looked at Fei Li coldly: "What's going on."

Fei Li lowered his head and said respectfully: "Wang, it's the voice coming from the wall passage, it seems to be on fire." But he secretly thought that something was wrong in his heart, why did he suddenly catch fire, such a thing had never happened before, Wang today Came here specifically to see it, damn it, it sucks.

"Hurry up and take a look." Yun Qinghong yelled with a sullen look in his eyes.

Fire, how could there be fire in the secret room, these people were trained by him himself, how could such a low-level thing be committed.

"Yes." Fei Li saluted respectfully, and quickly walked into the passage next door.

Ye Feiyu had been listening to the conversation between the two in the room, and the vigilance in his heart had not let go. Yun Qinghong was still outside the door, so he couldn't relax in the slightest.

Yun Qinghong turned around, his eyes fixed on this room, bloodlust flashed in his eyes, and he pushed open the door with his big hands.

Ye Feiyu hid behind the door, the dagger in his hand was already revealed, as long as he came in, he would strike.

Yun Qinghong stepped up and was about to go in, when a strong wind suddenly came from behind him, he quickly dodged to the side, turned around and looked behind him with cold eyes, and shouted: "Who is it?"

No one was seen, but the attack just now was not wrong, if he dodged slowly, he would definitely be hit.

At this time, he was very sure that there were outsiders pouring in.

The shadow of prey appeared in the eyes, Yue Yexie, could it be Yue Yexie?
The Nanmans are all their own people, and they will not have second thoughts. The only outsiders are Yue Yexie and his army, so the person who attacked him just now is probably Yue Yexie.

Thinking this way, the fire in the front passage suddenly appeared, and the scorching temperature gradually spread, and I already had a bad premonition in my heart, damn it, the fire will not be extinguished, but it will continue to this side.

He cursed in a low voice: "Damn it." The figure moved forward very quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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