The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 595 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 5

Chapter 595 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 5
Here are all the weapons and manpower he has produced over the years, and they are still underground. If the fire is not extinguished in time, then the entire secret room will suffer, damn it.

Ye Feiyu had been listening vigilantly to the movement outside the door from behind them. He was relieved when he heard Yun Qinghong's low curse and distant footsteps.

But why did it suddenly catch fire here?

Although it was strange, he had to put this moment aside, this was not his concern, he had to go out immediately.He dared to be sure that Yun Qinghong must have noticed something just now.

He turned around, left the door, poked his head out and looked in the passage, but there was no one there.His figure flashed very quickly, and he headed for the passage that was not on fire.

There are many roads here, and he doesn't know which one is the right one. For the present plan, he can only leave here as soon as possible.The passage that caught fire in the rear must be full of Southern barbarians, and it is a dead end, so I can only choose this way.

Surrounded by rooms for visiting weapons, there are several passages, Ye Feiyu frowned, which one is the way out?

Just as he was about to move towards the passage on the left, suddenly, the figure flashed extremely quickly, and at the same time the dagger in his hand stabbed behind him.

"It's me." A low, magnetic but icy voice sounded from behind, Ye Feiyu hastily withdrew his hand, and turned to look at the person who came: "Yichen, why did you come in too?"

Just now he thought it was Yun Qinghong who had left and returned, so he shot without thinking.

Leng Yichen frowned slightly: "This is not a good time to talk, get out of here quickly." Yun Qinghong must have noticed it, and will send someone to strictly guard the exit, they can't stay here any longer.

"Okay." Ye Feiyu nodded in a deep voice. He also understood that this is not a good time to talk. After all, this is the territory of the Nanman, and they are not familiar with the route and layout here.

On the other side, Yun Qinghong came to the burning passage, looked at the scene in front of him, and became angry: "Hurry up and put out the fire, if there is any loss here, be prepared to accept punishment."

Damn it, all the high-quality weapons are stored here, but now a small half of them have been burned, how can he not feel sorry for him, damn it.

Everyone in the passage trembled and quickened their movements, those who took water took water, and those who put out the fire put out the fire, all in a panic.

"Fei Li, lead a team to block the exit for me, don't let anyone suspicious go out." Yun Qinghong ordered in a deep voice, he was sure that the person who set the fire hadn't left, he must still be in this secret room.

"Yes, king." Fei Li cupped his fists and nodded respectfully, and then led a group of people towards the exit quickly.

He also noticed that the fire was different tonight. Hearing what Wang said, there must be an enemy invasion.

Yun Qinghong's eyes were gloomy, and his hands hidden in his sleeves were tightly clenched into fists. Damn it, it's best not to be caught by him, otherwise...

Yue Yexie, dare to cause such a thing in my Nanman, do you really think that I, Yun Qinghong, is a vegetarian?

Obviously, he had already blamed Yue Yexie for this matter, after all, he didn't know that Leng Yichen and his party had already entered this forest.

Therefore, the only one who will invade is Yueyexie.

But Yue Yexie was in the palace at this time, drinking wine leisurely, he still didn't know what happened in the secret room.

Naturally, he didn't know that the grievances between him and Yun Qinghong had also formed.

(End of this chapter)

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