The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 602 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 12

Chapter 602 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 12
Not far from the outskirts of the forest, tents were set up one by one, surrounded by soldiers patrolling back and forth.

These people are Tianchen's people.

In the main tent, Leng Yichen and the others had left the forest and returned to the camping place.

"Cousin-in-law, what happened to you?" Li Shang sat on the chair and took a sip of tea, then looked at Leng Yichen and asked.

He also knows how to observe the situation. First, Leng Yichen and Ye Feiyu didn't return to the agreed place on time, and then let them leave without saying anything after returning. There must be some unexpected situation.

"Yes, what happened to you?" Nangong Xueling also looked at the two curiously.

What made them leave in a hurry, could it be...

Was it discovered by the other party?

Only this is the most likely.

"We were found when we broke into the secret room, but we didn't bump into the Nanman King, and we don't know if the other party has guessed our identities." Ye Feiyu said in a deep voice.

At that time, only the general and the soldier were present, and he and Leng Yichen were covering up in disgrace, so he didn't know if they saw their appearance clearly.

Even if you see them clearly, you don't know them.

"So that's how it is." Li Shang suddenly woke up, it turned out to be like this.

If there is an emergency, if there is trouble, it will delay time.

"Then what are you worried about? They didn't see you, let alone know you." Nangong Xueling looked at Leng Yichen puzzled, not understanding the reason for the frown between his brows.

"Yue Yexie should have guessed that it was me." Leng Yichen tapped his fingers on the table, a strange color flashed across his dark eyes like ink.

If he guessed correctly, Yun Qinghong would definitely mistakenly think that the intruder was Yue Yexie, and then took measures.According to Yue Yexie's temperament and speculation, it is not difficult to guess that it is him.

So, this is where he struggles.

"You mean, Yue Yexie guessed that you also came here, and must have known about his affairs with the Nanman King, so he will change his plan?" Ye Feiyu narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about what Leng Yichen said , After a long time, I slowly spit out this sentence.

Leng Yichen nodded and said in a deep voice: "Well, the plan has changed, and it won't be of much use if we wait here for an ambush. They must have guessed it. Therefore, they must find a way to compare and go out through other passages."

This is where he struggles. If they leave the forest ahead of time, then they are just waiting here in vain.

"Then what should we do?" Nangong Xueling frowned and looked at Leng Yichen, what should they do.

Since it is not enough to guard outside, it is necessary, have you taken the initiative to attack?
Leng Yichen tapped his fingers on the table again and again, his deep eyes made it impossible to guess what was going on in his heart, nor could he see clearly.

The three of Li Shang looked at each other, but they didn't bother Leng Yichen.They knew he was thinking.

After a long time, Leng Yichen stopped tapping his fingers on the table, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "They won't leave so quickly, there are still their weapons and other things in the secret room, Even if they had to leave, they would not choose this dark night, it is simply not suitable for them to leave."

The tone paused, and then said: "Why not take the initiative to attack, such a dark night is just right for us."

(End of this chapter)

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