The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 603 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 13

Chapter 603 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 13
Such a dark night is not suitable for them to leave, but it is beneficial for their side.

That forest was easy to defend and difficult to attack during the day, but it was different on such a dark and windy night.

Li Shang clapped his hands: "Cousin-in-law, I agree." He agreed with his thoughts, tonight is indeed a good opportunity, Tianchen's army has camped here for a few days, they are recharging their energy and are in good spirits.

Taking advantage of the dark night to attack the Nanman, even if they can't attack, they can still cause heavy damage.

"If you think so, Yue Yexie and the others will probably be on guard." Nangong Xueling looked up at Leng Yichen and said.

Since Yue Yexie already guessed that it was him, he must have guessed that they would make some moves, so why would they wait for their attack without doing anything? .

Leng Yichen smiled wickedly: "What needs to be done is that they take precautions, so that they can catch them all at once." It's not that he didn't think about what measures Yue Yexie and Yun Qinghong would take to prevent them, since they can't stop them, then don't stop them.

On the contrary, winning does not depend on the number of people, but on the spirit of the people.

Although those Nanman warriors looked rough, that was only on the surface. Although they were bigger and stronger than ordinary people, they still had to fight, and that was only for ordinary people.

There is also a disadvantage of being huge, that is, the reaction ability is slow to come.The ones he brought this time are all elites, all of them were trained by him personally, each of them is suitable for surviving in the dark night, they belong to the night, they can shuttle through the night to kill each other, this kind of night It suits them well.

Therefore, tonight's night has absolutely no disadvantages for him.

The battle in the dark is about to begin.

Nangong Xueling whistled: "I'm optimistic about you two." It's finally time to meet, right? She can foresee the excitement of the war, and she also wants to participate in it.

Li Shang looked at her movements, and laughed dumbfoundedly: "Sturdy woman, you are not a woman, you can do any movement." Didn't she know that the way of whistling is usually used on men.

Although, he seems to have seen it on Lan Zihan, but he still doesn't want to get entangled with that kind of perverted character.

The woman in front of him really made him laugh, and he thought she was very cute.

Nangong Xueling rolled her eyes: "What's wrong with this action? It's not labeled by anyone, and it's not exclusive to anyone. Whoever stipulates that women can't use it."

Isn't it just a whistling action? It's nothing. In modern times, many women will do this action.

As long as you like it, just be more casual and real, and you will live happier and more enjoyable life.

She, Nangong Xueling, is the kind of person with direct and true temperament, she doesn't know how to play tricks with friends, and she doesn't pretend to be herself, she has nothing to hide, living like that is too tiring, so she won't do that kind of thing.

Ye Feiyu smiled smartly: "The women from there are all so different." He has never seen other women, but at least the two he knows are like this.

One is a strong woman with a dark belly and a perverted level, and the other is a woman with a direct, hot and true temperament. The two have very different personalities, but they attract the attention of many people.

He didn't know if all the people in their world were like this.

(End of this chapter)

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