The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 604 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 14

Chapter 604 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada 14
But he is sure that they are unique and unique, no matter how similar their personalities are, they cannot be found in two.

Nangong Xueling shook her finger: "No, no, that world is very complicated, and there are many kinds of characters. It's not much different from here, but it's not as pedantic as here."

People in the 21st century are free and unrestrained. There is no monarchy similar to the ancient one, and they are not suppressed by anyone.The women there are very practical, and it is not common to see weak women like this in ancient times plus little white rabbits.

Ancient pedantry, all have a thought that has been passed down through the ages. From an early age, he learned piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and poetry, and married someone else when he was out of the court.Some people don't even know what they are going to marry, that is, they respect their husbands, and their husbands are everything to them, and everything revolves around them.

She saw that these heads were getting bigger, and fortunately, the people she met through time travel were not like that, otherwise, she would definitely be very depressed.

"It's time to act." The low, magnetic but majestic voice sounded, interrupting the conversation and laughter of several people.

Several people also looked serious, knowing how to measure, this is not a place for them to play around, it's time to get down to business.

The night is as cold as water, and the weather in winter is cold, especially in this dark night, but in the forest, there are groups of people walking, the footsteps are very light, rigorous and orderly, and they are well controlled. Not much noise happened.

There was not a single star in the starry sky, and the moon did not show its face. The starry sky was filled with an endless black color, which was gloomy and depressing, and it seemed to foreshadow everything that would happen today.

Leng Yichen led the crowd through the forest, unraveling the formation according to the route, and then the sight became clear, and a group of people all entered the territory of the Nanman.

At this time, they looked at each other and entered the territory of the Nanman, but they still had to walk for a while to reach their place of residence.

"Prince Chen, as I expected, it really is you." An evil voice came from the front, one didn't have to think about it, one knew who it was.

As the words fell, Ye Ye, who was still very dark in front of him, became clear, and it was Yue Yexie in purple robe, and Yun Qinghong in blue robe beside him.

The soldiers behind the two lit torches in their hands, illuminating the land.

The corners of Leng Yichen's lips curled up slightly: "Have you been waiting for this king for a long time?" As he had imagined, Yue Yexie and Yun Qinghong led their troops to ambush here, and judging by their posture, they came here to wait for him.

"Hehe..." Yue Yexie chuckled a few times, his eyes fixed on Leng Yichen: "Please enter the urn, I just don't know what King Chen wants."

He took a look at the people on their side. Li Shang, Ye Feiyu, and Nangong Xueling were all people he knew. It seemed that they really got together.

Behind the four of them was the expressionless man in black. If the torch hadn't been lit, it would have been impossible to see them clearly in such a dark night.

He paused in his heart, this is not Tianchen's soldiers, the breath on his body is different from the soldiers he usually sees, and they are not dead soldiers in the palace, there are not so many dead soldiers.

His eyes narrowed slightly into a line, so, are those people the forces behind Leng Yichen?The ones he trained in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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