Chapter 633 The melee begins

"Siege." Lan Zihan also had a cold expression on his face, turned to look at Leng Luoyan, and said loudly.

"Come on..." The shouts and roars of the 20 troops resounded throughout the world.

The war broke out, the smoke of gunpowder was everywhere, and the smoke and dust billowed.

Yue Yexie whispered something coldly in front of the dead man, then took the bow and arrow in his hand, and turned to face Leng Luoyan at the gate of the city.

Pulling the bow, the room, the movement was done in one go, and the arrow shot towards Leng Luoyan like a cheetah, very fast.

Lan Zihan flew up, and a ball of fire appeared on her fingertips, aiming at the direction of the sharp arrow.

Tianchen's 20 troops looked at such a scene, and each of them seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and looked at Lan Zihan with worship and respect.

That is their concubine, that is their god, just like Chen Wang, they are the gods in their hearts, they are very powerful.

As before, the sharp arrow was surrounded by fireballs and turned into ashes.

Yue Yexie didn't stop, took out three sharp arrows again, and fired all three arrows, aiming at the direction of the gate of the city, the arrows flew towards the gate of the city quickly, and the three arrows were separated by some distance.

Lan Zihan didn't even frown, turned back the fire ball and wiped out the three sharp arrows.

As the strong wind blew past her ears, she narrowed her eyes slightly, turned her head to look, a strange color flashed across her eyes, and her figure raised another level, heading towards the top of the tower.

Yue Yexie saw that white figure was constantly thinking about coming here, closed her eyes, and her eyes became calm and cold again, and the sharp arrows in her hand fired three arrows again.

However, the location of the community this time is not in the direction of the gate of the city, but shoots straight towards Lan Zihan.

Lan Zihan waved one hand, a fire net appeared in front of him, surrounded the three sharp arrows, within a few seconds, they were reduced to ashes again.

Just as he was about to move forward, he felt a sudden pain in his abdomen.

His heart tightened suddenly, and his small hand slowly stroked his abdomen, trying to appease their emotions.

However, the pain in the abdomen did not, but came again.

Lan Zihan frowned, this situation...

She didn't continue to move forward, but turned around and flew towards the carriage quickly.

There was already a little sweat on his forehead, and he was still gently stroking his abdomen with one hand, trying to delay the time.

Yue Yexie was already ready to fight her on the city tower, but she saw her figure suddenly turn around and fly towards the carriage on the ground.

He looked at her leaving back in puzzlement, what was he doing?
He didn't see Lan Zihan's unnatural expression, nor did he see her stroking her abdomen with one hand.

Otherwise, it will definitely be noticed.

Just because he didn't see it, it doesn't mean that Mo Wuchen didn't see it either.

The purpose of his coming was for Lan Zihan's body and the two children in the mansion. Seeing Lan Zihan's sudden change, and seeing the movements of her little hands, the unnatural and slightly pale complexion on her face, his heart tightened. The figure also quickly flew in the direction of the carriage.

problem occurs!
"How is it?" Mo Wuchen arrived at the carriage at the same time as Lan Zihan, he supported her body, and asked softly.

"It should be about to give birth, damn it, how could it be so fast." Lan Zihan frowned and said in a deep voice.

The due date is still one month away, but now there is an unexpected situation and it is one month earlier.

Could it be because of her use of spiritual power?
(End of this chapter)

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