Chapter 634 Emergencies
The current situation is not suitable at all, and she never thought that there would be an unexpected situation. After all, it has been fine before, and there has never been an early warning.

With a wry smile in my heart, these two children really know how to choose the time to be born.

Mo Wuche inspected the surrounding area, frowned slightly, called a soldier around, and said in a deep voice: "Go and call all 1000 guards here, hurry up."

There is no time, so I can only take the carriage to a place far away from the battlefield and park it to help her give birth.

The more you stay, the more you worry.

Everyone against the sky is the best defense. At critical moments, nothing can happen to Lan Zihan.

The soldier nodded respectfully, and ran towards the gate of the city.

The cold sweat on Lan Zihan's forehead was already increasing, and the pain in her abdomen was still coming. She grabbed the car curtain tightly to prevent her body from falling down.

"Go into the carriage, bear with me, everything will be fine, with me here, the babies and you will be fine." Mo Wuchen helped her into the carriage and sat down, then put down the curtains, and said in a deep voice to the dozen or so people on the side. A soldier said: "Go and boil some hot water, hurry up."

With him here, he wouldn't let anything happen to her or the two babies in her womb.

"Yes." The soldiers didn't ask much, and immediately ran away to the side, preparing to boil hot water.

"Doctor Mo, did something happen to the boss?" Li Feng led the guards to the carriage, his face was serious, but there was worry in his eyes.

The soldiers who came just now didn't make it clear, they just said that Mo Wuchen told them all to go over against the sky.Without thinking too much, I rushed over immediately.

But they didn't see Lan Zihan's figure, and they also saw the sudden change in the scene just now, and they had a bad premonition in their hearts, did something happen to the boss?

"She is about to give birth, follow up, drive the carriage outside the battlefield, and prepare to deliver her baby." Mo Wuchen said clearly and emphatically, then waved the horsewhip, and drove the carriage slowly towards the outside of the battlefield.

I can't bump, even if I'm in a hurry, there's nothing I can do about it. Fortunately, it's just abdominal pain, and I haven't taken a step further, so I still have a little time to prepare.

Li Feng frowned, his face was very serious, and he glanced at Ni Tian Zhongren, both of them had the same look in their eyes.

They have to protect their boss, their boss is the most important, she is their god, even if they sacrifice their lives, nothing will happen to her.

The boss is about to give birth, and the younger masters are about to be born. The matter is urgent and serious, and there should be no slack.

Therefore, no need for others to say much, no matter what they pay, they will swear to protect it to the death.

The carriage left slowly towards the outside of the battlefield, Yue Yexie looked at the situation with half-closed eyes.

Why did you leave suddenly?The carriage was surrounded by people.

Looking at the situation, there is an illusion of protection.

Shake your head, no!

That is to protect, with a cold and serious expression on his face, without a trace of slack, without a trace of lingering, and he will hold on to everything from the inside to the outside.

That obviously formed a kind of protective circle, enclosing and protecting the carriage.

The transformation is only a momentary thing, everything starts from the moment Lan Zihan turns around and leaves, why is that?
I kept thinking about the reason in my heart.

Suddenly, her body froze slightly, her eyes locked on the carriage, she was about to give birth.

It must be so, the child in her womb is about to be born.

(End of this chapter)

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