The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 635 The situation is unfavorable

Chapter 635 The situation is unfavorable
That's why there was the protection of the crowd around, and that's why he retreated to the outside of the battlefield, and that's why he didn't come out again from the moment he entered the carriage, and there was no movement.

Based on his understanding of her, she is not a person who will change her mind midway, nor will she let go of such a good opportunity, nor will she abandon Leng Luoyan and his party.

The most likely thing to change her mind at this moment is the child in her womb.

Then, eighty-nine means that the child is about to be born.

It stands to reason that now is the best time to attack, but my heart is extremely complicated.

If the guess is correct, she must not have thought of this sudden situation, otherwise she would not have come here to attack Yuezhuo today, nor would she have done it herself.

Now in this chaotic scene, in this tense situation, in this tense atmosphere, how should she give birth to the child in her womb?If there is no Luo Dang, it should be bad for the body.

With complicated eyes, he looked at the carriage parked outside the forest. He couldn't see Lan Zihan inside the carriage, but he still looked at it firmly.

Inside the carriage, beads of sweat rolled down from Lan Zihan's forehead one after another, and her stunningly handsome face was slightly pale at this moment.

The curtain of the car was opened, and Mo Wuchen walked in with a basin, took a towel, wiped the sweat that kept rolling down for her, looked at her condition, and said in a deep voice: "The amniotic fluid has broken, you Hold on, and I'll help you deliver the baby."

Lan Zihan nodded and chuckled lightly: "Don't worry about me, my health is not as bad as you imagined, please help me deliver the baby, I want the children to be safe and sound."

There was a tinge of guilt in her heart, it was her dereliction of duty mother who came here to attack Yuezhuo while she was pregnant, so that they were born early to express their dissatisfaction.

If Chen knows...
If you don't think about it any further, the result is predictable.

Before leaving, Leng Yichen reminded Wan Wan that she was not allowed to leave Tianchen, and she was not allowed to do anything. She still remembered that she said it with a face of assurance.

It's just that now, looking at the situation and situation, she feels ashamed, and she can't be blamed for this, um, she can't be blamed.

"Okay, take it easy." Mo Wuchen pursed his lips slightly, and a smile appeared in his eyes. How could he forget that she is different from ordinary women.The hypocrisy of ordinary women will not appear in her.

Lan Zihan nodded, didn't say anything more, and listened to Mo Wuchen's words.

"Li Feng, how's the situation?" Leng Luoyan came to the outside of the carriage, looking at the pot of blood that was taken out of the carriage, he was terrified.

When he learned that Lan Zihan was about to give birth, he felt a sudden shock in his heart, and then he was worried and solemn. He immediately stopped the war and retreated out of the forest with an army of 20.

Li Feng shook his head: "My lord, my subordinates don't even know that Miracle Doctor Mo is delivering the concubine's baby, and my subordinates are not allowed to watch." When he saw that it was already the third basin of blood, his heart was beating drums over and over again.

But that was Lan Zihan, not someone else, no matter how worried and nervous he was, he couldn't overcome it.The due respect needs to be had, and the due courtesy is also needed.

In their minds, the boss is like a god, they can only look up to, not desecrate.

The 20 army stood with their backs straight, standing less than ten meters away from the carriage and waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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