The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 636 The Best Time to Shot

Chapter 636 The Best Time to Shot

This is their concubine, this is their God of Tianchen, this is the person they respect and worship, this is the concubine they want to worship, and now they are about to give birth to a child in their womb, so they have to stay outside.

"Why didn't you hear the movement inside?" Leng Luoyan was puzzled. Although he had never seen a child being given birth, he had heard that giving birth was a very painful thing, and many women would hiss loudly.

But inside the carriage was quiet, only the pots of blood were poured out continuously.

Her brows were furrowed tightly, and there was a trace of deep worry between her brows. The second sister-in-law will be safe, yes, she will be fine.

Li Feng shook his head: "The subordinates don't know either, but the boss is not an ordinary woman, and Doctor Mo didn't even call us, so there must be nothing wrong, we just continue to wait."

He had been nervous since Mo Wuchen delivered the eldest child, and now he was even more flustered, but he still had to pretend to be calm.

That's what the boss taught them, the more nervous and flustered they are, the more calm they should be.

However, he found that it was impossible to do this at this moment, and he raised his throat in his heart, for fear of any accidents.

Leng Luoyan saw that there was still no sound in the carriage, and he did not let go of the worries in his heart, but he did not dare to go and see for himself.

The second sister-in-law is indeed very strong, and the lack of it is very perverted. However, no matter how strong a woman is, there are times when she is vulnerable. He doesn't know what the second sister-in-law's weakness is, but how can it be safe to give birth to a child, like cutting a cabbage? Simple.

If the second brother was here at this time, seeing this scene, he would probably eat him alive.

His second brother loved his second sister-in-law so much, pampered her so much, and indulged her. Fortunately, his second brother didn't see this scene.

At this time, Lan Zihan's hair was messy, her face was pale and bloodless, her hands were tightly grasping the bedding under her body to resist the pain, her mouth was clenched tightly, she should not let herself make a sound.

She didn't want to say that giving birth is really painful, even more painful than her usual training.

"Don't hold back, it will be more comfortable when you cry out, and you can already see the child's head, work hard." Mo Wuchen couldn't bear it when he saw her forceful appearance, but the child was still going to be born, so he had to persuade her not to Masochistic.

Lan Zihan shook her head and didn't speak, but that action has proved very clearly that she can still persevere.

Mo Wuchen sighed helplessly, and didn't say anything more, her temper was so stubborn, she wouldn't listen to anyone except Leng Yichen.

Yue Yexie has been watching the movement of the carriage from the top of the city tower. Although the distance is far away, it can still be seen clearly.

An hour had passed since she entered, but she was nowhere to be seen. He could only vaguely see some soldiers running back and forth, delivering something.

"Your Majesty, Tianchen's army has retreated. It seems that something has happened. Should our army take the initiative to attack?" A Zhongnan man stood on the right side of Yue Yexie and said respectfully.

He didn't know what Yue Yexie was thinking about or meditating in a daze, but he could see some clues. Tianchen's army didn't continue to attack Yuezhuo on its knees. It seemed that something happened inside. Back to the open space not far from the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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