The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 646: Chen Wang makes a move 2

Chapter 646: Chen Wang makes a move 2
He and Yun Qinghong are only in a cooperative relationship, so what does his life and death have to do with him?He didn't need to worry about whether he was safe, it wasn't something that was supposed to happen between them.

Now that everything has failed and the oriole has become a praying mantis, there is no need for him to cooperate with him any longer.

Speaking of that incident, he was even more angry. The tens of thousands of soldiers and horses he brought were all detained, and Chi was nowhere to be seen.

Winning or losing is often just one move, and the difference between one move and the whole game is lost.

Leng Yichen sneered: "The contest between you and me, it's time to stop, this moon is turbid, I'm going to decide."

Since he came, he didn't intend to go back. He was going to take down Yuezhuo. Although the situation is not right now, there is not much difference.

"Do you think you can handle the current situation?" Yue Yexie sneered and continued: "This is my Yue Zhuo, the army you brought is not as many as my Yue Zhuo, it can be clearly seen. Besides, this is in my Yuezhuo's mirror, if you want to take it down, can you just say it?"

Will it be too whimsical.

Although his overall strength is not as good as Tianchen's, he is not as powerful as Tianchen.But the current situation, not to mention that it is completely in his favor, but that the location and the number of people are good, Yuezhuo has already gained the upper hand.

Leng Yichen could come here so quickly by himself, but the soldiers he brought to Nanman could not.

Came here alone, and Lan Zihan had just given birth again.

What scruples does he have?
Such an opportunity, there will be no second time.

A trace of solemnity flashed across Leng Yichen's deep and deep eyes, and his brows furrowed slightly: "So what, you think I'm afraid, what a joke."

He's never afraid of anything, and there's nothing to be afraid of, except his little one, who can make him feel up and down.

"Where there is weakness, there will be fear." The corners of Yue Yexie's lips curled slightly, not missing the fleeting solemnity in his eyes.

He, Leng Yichen, is very strong, but as long as a person has feelings, he will have weaknesses.

It is the best thing to take the reverse scale to hurt the opponent.

Who is the person he cares most about, almost everyone in the world knows.

"Do you think you can hurt her?" Leng Yichen sneered, as if mocking his arrogance.

How could he fail to hear that there was something in his words, and what he said meant something.

Is there anyone in this world who can hurt his little guy?

No, when it comes to martial arts and resourcefulness, his little guy is not inferior to others, and he can be alone.

"How could I hurt her?" Yue Ye smiled charmingly, feeling a little bitter in her heart.

If he could do that, if he could hurt her, he would have done it since the moment she gave birth, he would have taken the initiative to attack.

Why did he wait until Leng Yichen came to change his mind and decide to make a move.

All of these are just a word of love, which hurts people the most.

The world says that emperors have been ruthless since ancient times.

Who can understand what he thinks in his heart, and who can know his bitterness.

Leng Yichen frowned, and snorted coldly: "It's useless to talk more." After speaking, the long sword in his hand lifted up, and walked towards Yue Yexie with a sharp momentum.

Yue Yexie also restrained the expression on his face, became indifferent, turned the long sword in his hand, but faced it straight up, and collided with Leng Yichen's sword, making a friction sound and sparks everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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