The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 647: Chen Wang makes a move 3

Chapter 647: Chen Wang makes a move 3
Leng Yichen looked at Yue Yexie expressionlessly, and using his left hand to mobilize internal force, he struck towards Yue Yexie with a sharp palm wind.

Yue Yexie didn't back down, but also summoned up a wave of internal energy to go back towards Leng Yichen.

The palms of the two faced each other in the air, and their internal forces collided together. They looked at each other coldly and did not withdraw their hands.

It was a contest between internal strength and internal strength, and it was unclear who was stronger or weaker.

Leng Yichen did not look at the battle situation below, but used his internal strength to say: "Luo Yan, use the formation method, the one you have learned." The voice spread far away.

Those who don't know it are confused, but those who know it suddenly come to their senses.

After Leng Luoyan finished fighting with Yue Yexie, he came directly below, clenched the dagger tightly, raised the knife and dropped it, mercilessly harvesting one life after another.

Brows furrowed slightly, this is not the way to go, they are not enough people, Yue Zhuo is now fighting a wheel war, dragging them will also drag them to death.

Oh shit!

The deep voice came from above his head, majestic and domineering, Leng Luoyan's body was slightly startled, and his frown suddenly opened, he knew it.

"Li Feng." Leng Luoyan turned around and shouted, using his internal strength to spread the voice.

Li Feng had been waiting outside the carriage all the time, even if the soldiers without Yuezhuo came forward again, they still guarded the carriage vigilantly.

His eyes stare at the battle in the distance from time to time.

He heard Leng Yichen's voice piercing with internal force, he also heard Leng Luoyan's voice calling him, his figure froze slightly, looked at the carriage, and frowned slightly, is it time to leave now, the boss is still in the carriage inside.

"I'm here, it's okay, go there quickly, the situation is urgent." Sitting outside the carriage, watching the battle in the distance, Mo Wuchen turned his head and said to Li Feng.

There were no Yuezhuo soldiers around the car to assassinate, so he could go there with confidence.

Li Feng clenched his fists and said respectfully to Mo Wuchen: "Master Mo, the boss's safety is in your hands." After speaking, he quickly ran towards the chaotic battlefield.

Mo Wuchen looked in the direction of the car curtain, and listening to the even breathing, there was a firm look in his eyes like water, he would not let her have anything to do, and those two children.

Besides, there are still 300 people left by Guards around the carriage, so nothing big will happen.

In the carriage, Lan Zihan was lying on the soft couch, her sleeping face was beautiful, and she was also sleeping soundly. It seemed that because of Leng Yichen's arrival, the corner of her mouth had a slight curvature.

On both sides of her, there are Leng frivolous and Leng Fengjin, the two children who are carved in powder and jade are also quiet, in a deep sleep, not affected by the battle outside at all
The inside of the car was warm, smoke was everywhere outside the car, and blood flowed like a river.

Along the way, Li Feng used daggers to kill those who blocked the way, and quickly came to Leng Luoyan's side, and said in a deep voice, "My lord."

"I don't have much time to talk nonsense. Let's evacuate the crowd first and separate the Yuezhuo soldiers." Leng Luoyan frowned slightly and said seriously.

"Yes." Li Feng nodded, yelled at the guards in unison: "Separate Yuezhuo's soldiers first." If they are mixed together, it will not be conducive to their formation.

Everyone in Guards understands it, no need to say anything more, they already understand.

They all participated in the training of the formation together, so they know how to display the formation and under what circumstances it is beneficial to choose.

(End of this chapter)

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