The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 648 Formation, How to Solve 1

Chapter 648 Formation, How to Solve 1
"Do you think it's still useful to set up the formation now?" Yue Yexie looked at Leng Yichen, his eyes slightly narrowed, with a trace of coldness in them.

What formation can withstand his 30 troops?

In the current situation, is it still useful to improvise?

Leng Yichen raised his eyes to look at Yue Yexie, and sneered: "Then we will wait and see." Turning his big hand over, he aimed at Yue Yexie again and struck.

Yue Yexie frowned slightly, and flew back to avoid his attack.

Leng Yichen smiled coldly, what he wanted was this effect, his figure swept towards the ground very quickly, his whole body carried a fierce aura, sharp and aggressive, full of domineering aura. 
He quickly came to the ground, and with both hands, he summoned a wave of internal force and slapped the Yuezhuo soldier with his palm.

"Pfft..." The soldier who was hit spat out a mouthful of blood, and his figure flew backwards, pushing the soldiers behind him, and sent them flying.

Yue Yexie frowned slightly, and his figure quickly walked towards the ground.

Leng Yichen raised the saber in his hand, and the long sword was like a dragon in his hand, beheading the soldiers around him one by one under the sword, the tip of the sword was glowing with coldness, and streams of blood flowed on the sword, adding a touch of coquettishness.

The figure of Yue Yexie fell from the top of Leng Yichen's head, aiming at the back of his neck with his long sword.

Leng Yichen let out a cold snort, his figure quickly dodged to one side, and at the same time, he raised his long sword, and once again fought with Yuexiong.

Leng Luoyan and Li Feng understood, ignored the battle situation, and concentrated on setting up the formation.

I saw that Ni Tian's people were divided into nine groups of nine people, eight people were divided into eight positions of Kan, Li, Dui, Zhen, Xun, Qian, Kun, and Gen, and the other one was in the middle to respond, attacking the enemy with a sharp knife, Divided into a joint attack, the nine are as one.

The surrounding Yuezhuo soldiers stepped forward to break through, but they were all wounded by the random knives before they got close to them.

In a group of nine, Ni Tian was in a group of nine, surrounded Tianchen's soldiers, and blocked them from entering, preventing Yuezhuo's soldiers from entering.

It can also be said that under such a formation, Yuezhuo's soldiers have nowhere to attack and cannot break through.

This kind of formation is not terrible if there are only nine people, but there is more than one such team. They are all Fan Sancheng's encirclement circle, enclosing Tianchen's soldiers.

They want to attack and suffer heavy losses, but if they are in a stalemate like this, it will only be against them, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Leng Luoyan and Li Feng looked at each other with the same look in each other's eyes. The two figures flew up at the same moment and rushed out of the encirclement.

The eyes of Yuezhuo's soldier lit up, and he ran towards the two of them with the long sword in his hand.

Yue Yexie and Leng Yichen were fighting in mid-air, took advantage of a gap to glance down, looked at the situation, shouted, his eyes were furious: "Hurry up and disperse."

However, the sound of footsteps colliding with swords completely drowned out his voice, and the army did not hear it.

Leng Yichen sneered, turned the long sword over, and the tip of the sword pierced Yue Yexie's left shoulder.

Yue Yexie's figure swept back quickly, took out three small knives in her right hand and hit Leng Yichen with the utmost precision, looked down at the wound on her left shoulder, and frowned.

If he hadn't reacted in time, the point of the sword might have pierced his left shoulder.

He clenched his fists tightly, and a sneer flashed across his eyes, damn it, this situation is getting worse and worse.

(End of this chapter)

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