Chapter 651
I kept praying in my heart, Li Shang, you must have been rescued.

Ye Feiyu nodded: "Well, there must be a way. She is omnipotent, and Li Shang is also very fateful. God will not just take him away, so we have to cheer up and hold on to hope." Although Saying so, it's just that I don't have much bottom line in my heart.

However, this was the best way before. If she kept searching day and night like this, she would collapse sooner or later. Give her a belief, and she will sustain it.

"Well, we're at Zihan's place." Nangong Xueling closed her eyes, sorted out her pain and sadness, and opened her eyes again, those emotions no longer existed.

She needs to be calm, she needs to be rational, this is not the way to go, Li Shang can't come back.

This place has almost been searched several times, but Li Shang can't be found, so let's look for it in another place.

She would rather believe what Ye Feiyu said, and Lan Zihan. After all, she is really that powerful. Although this matter is difficult, she wants to give it a try.

"Okay, let's rest for a day, and we will start tomorrow." Ye Feiyu looked at Nangong Xueling and said.

Her current physical condition is very unstable. Although her eyes have returned to the former look and firmness, she still can't hide the tired look.

"No, let's go there first, they only brought 20 soldiers and horses, if Yueyexie returns to Yuezhuo, it will be bad, besides, Zihan is pregnant now, let's rush over to support them. "Nangong Xueling shook her head, she knew her own body well, she wasn't that weak, it was just that she didn't rest for two days and nights, it wouldn't be a big deal.

"Okay." Ye Feiyu didn't say anything anymore, he believed that she had a sense of proportion.

At least, he won't fall until he finds Li Shang.

"What about Yun Qinghong?" Ye Feiyu frowned slightly, wanting to find Yun Qinghong who was still imprisoned.

None of them went to deal with Yun Qinghong, it was because Nangong Xueling said that she wanted to deal with him personally, so they were kept in custody.These few days have been calling for Li Shang, and there is no extra time to pay attention to him.

Nangong Xueling's eyes flickered coldly: "Take him with you, when I'm free, his good days will come to an end."

She would never forget the scene of that day, it was all about Yun Qinghong, she would not let him have a good time, no.

At the same time, his expression became firm in his heart.

She was still too weak, that's why Li Shang was injured, and that's why she was captured by Yun Qinghong.

Clench your hands tightly, no more, this situation will never happen again in the future.

"Okay." Ye Feiyu nodded, and said nothing more.

A group of people quickly set off in the direction of the moon.

The war on Yuezhuo's side is continuing, and the people here are rushing there. Whether it will be too late or not, there is no way of knowing...

.... ...

As night falls, the sky has gradually dimmed, but the battle still hasn't stopped.

The fight between Leng Yichen and Yue Yexie had long since ceased, and they each led their soldiers and horses to fight.

The situation on the field is already obvious, Yue Zhuo's soldiers and horses are still surrounded by the guards.

Although as long as they don't take the initiative to attack and take the initiative to attack everyone against the sky, nothing will happen.

But as long as you get close, you will be ruthlessly obliterated.

Yes, obliterate.

Leng Yichen has already ordered that anyone who comes close will be killed.

(End of this chapter)

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