The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 652 The whole world is inferior to her!

Chapter 652 The whole world is inferior to her!
"In this world, do you think so?" Yue Yexie looked at Leng Yichen, with a strange look in his eyes.

Although he has fought against Leng Yichen long ago, does he really think so in this world?If you think about it, you won't be so passive before, and you won't take the initiative to attack.

Leng Yichen snorted coldly: "Countries in the world must be divided for a long time, and they must be united for a long time. You must not understand this truth."

It's not a question of whether he wants it or not, it's an unchanging truth since ancient times.

"If you had to choose between Lan Zihan and Tianxia, ​​who would you choose?" Yue Yexie had a wicked smile on his lips, but there was no trace of a smile in his eyes, as he asked so seriously.

He was very curious about this point, although Leng Yichen completely doted on Lan Zihan and loved him without limit, but he didn't see clearly this point.

If you ask this question to others, needless to say, you also know that they will choose Tianxia.

No one would abandon such a beautiful country for a woman.

No one would do something so stupid.

It's just that he couldn't see through Leng Yichen, and couldn't guess what was going on in his heart.

Although he is an opponent, he can't see and understand the deepest thoughts in his heart.

"The whole world can't compare to her." Leng Yichen's deep and deep eyes didn't have any ripples, and didn't have the slightest ups and downs because of Yue Yexie's question, so he said this without hesitation.

Very natural, very calm, no regrets, no affectation, no falsehood.

This is the truest thought in his heart.

If it was in the past, he would definitely not choose this way, and he would not choose such a question for the sake of a woman.

However, when he met Lan Zihan, everything changed, slowly changing.

When I met her, she was arrogant, cold, tough and perverted, repelling people thousands of miles away.

At first he was just curious about her and became interested in her.

When she entered the room that time, her sleepy eyes opened suddenly, and there were two daggers glowing with coldness, her eyes were cold, and a murderous aura flowed all over her body. There was no trace of confusion or sleepiness in her eyes, but some were just cold.

When he saw that she was in a state of defense and vigilance even when she was sleeping, his heart ached.

But when he saw the arrow shooting towards her back that time, he stepped forward to protect her in his arms without hesitation, and chose to hurt himself.

It was an instinctive reaction, a natural reaction of the body, he didn't want her to get hurt, he didn't want to see anything happen to her, he would be anxious, he would be nervous, and he was also afraid of losing.

Her dominance, her coldness, her gentleness, and her smile are all so precious to him. No two people in the world can stir his heartstrings and break his calm, cold heart like water.

There is only one such a unique woman in the world, so he cherishes, pampers and indulges her, gives her love, and gives her his own feelings.

For the rest of his life, he will be tied to her.

Up to the poor and down to the underworld, never leave, never leave, life and death go hand in hand.

The whole world can't compare to her!
The whole world can't compare to her!
These words echoed in Yue Yexie's ears, and also echoed in the ears of the surrounding soldiers, endlessly.

Tianchen's soldiers were lying when they said they were not shocked. They had never seen any prince who would stand up for a woman.

But it's not hard to accept that everyone in the Tianchen imperial family is a couple for the rest of their lives, only marrying one wife and no one else.

(End of this chapter)

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