The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 653 The lost heart has returned

Chapter 653 The lost heart has returned
The two gods in their minds are together, they don't have any opinions, what they have is respect, blessing, and worship.

Their love moved them...

Yue Yexie chuckled a few times, with bitterness and relief: "I never knew where I lost to you, whether it is status and power, or my own strength, I will not lose to you , but why I can’t get what I want, but you easily have it.”

Whether it is the affection between family and brothers, he has no, no.

He has never wanted to see the happiness that others have, which gave her the urge to tear it apart and made him want to destroy it.

Just like Leng Yichen, he has the kinship between brothers, there is no intrigue between them, you fight each other, they get along so harmoniously, they care and care about each other.

He also had Lan Zihan, got the heart of such a cold woman, and got her unique treatment.

He never understood, how is he inferior to Leng Yichen?Why can't he get these beautiful things? He is destined to live alone, without a sincere person around him, all of them are hypocritical faces and hypocritical hearts.

"But now, I'm sober and I understand."

He got it.

That confused heart became extremely clear at this moment. He couldn't see through it before, but now, he can see through it thoroughly.

It turned out that he was the one who had been hiding and freezing that cold heart.

Don't let anyone touch it, and likewise, let yourself lose your way.

Now that his thoughts have changed, his presumably cold heart has finally fluctuated, and he no longer sleeps deeply.

In fact, what he wanted was very simple.

If there hadn't been the accident of his mother and concubine back then, he would still be that innocent child now.

The world is changing, he is also changing, everything is slowly changing invisibly...

Lost too much, how to restore?
Ha ha……

Leng Yichen frowned, but didn't say much.

These have nothing to do with him, he will not interfere in other people's affairs.

"A heart, no one knows better than myself. I have lost too much and it is irretrievable. I have to write my own way in the future. No one knows what the future will be like, but I have to know myself What do you want?" A cold voice came from behind.

Leng Yichen moved slightly, frowned slightly, turned around and supported Lan Zihan, took off his cloak and tied it around her body: "Why did you come out, your body needs to be recuperated."

He had asked Mo Wuchen what he needed to pay attention to during pregnancy and what he needed to pay attention to after giving birth. She had just given birth and had to lie in bed for half a month before she could get out of bed and move around.

Lan Zihan shook her head with a smile: "I'm not that delicate, I understand my body, so it won't be a big deal after a while."

Although it is winter and the wind is blowing, my heart is warm.

Her body has been trained, and these are nothing but cold.

Leng Yichen frowned, hugged her into his arms, held her little hands tightly, and gave her warmth, without saying anything.

Her little hands were warm, so she felt relieved.

"What I want is already gone, so why bother me." Yue Yexie looked at Lan Zihan with her eyes, and listened to what she said, her heart moved slightly.

Everything he wanted has already left him, and he will never get it back, he has already lost it...

(End of this chapter)

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