Chapter 674 Give birth to a boy

"She's fine, she's just too tired and fainted from exhaustion, she'll recover after a while of rest." Mo Wuchen looked at Leng Yufeng and said in a deep voice.

It took all the strength of the whole body to give birth to the child, and there was no more strength to support it, so I passed out and was too tired.

"Well, it's good that it's okay." Leng Yufeng lovingly touched Xia Yiyu's cheek, with distressed expressions in his eyes.

He has always wanted a child with Xia Yiyu, but seeing her working so hard now, her pale face, even when she is asleep, she still looks tired, and the pain in his heart cannot be resolved.

Only this time, never again in the future, this one child is enough.

Nothing is more important than his Yu'er. Now that there is one child, a family of three is enough.

"Brother Dahuang, is it a boy or a girl?" Leng Luoyan pushed the door in and asked with a smile.

Leng Yufeng was slightly startled, and only after hearing Leng Luoyan's words did he think of the child.

"It's a boy." Mo Wuchen looked at the pink and jade-carved child in his arms, with a smile in his eyes.

Children are the most innocent and innocent.

He witnessed the birth of three children, and he said in his heart that it was a lie that there were no fluctuations. These children were really cute.

Leng Yufeng took the child from Mo Wuchen's arms, looked at the clear eyes, handsome eyebrows, thin lips, fair and pink face, delicate and perfect, and felt soft in his heart.

This is his and Yu'er's child, and his appearance is completely inherited from him and Yu'er.

"This child is just like you, Brother Huang." Leng Luoyan also leaned over to look at him, and couldn't help sighing.

This inheritance is really good, and it is all inherited for the sake of merit.

The three children are all so outstanding, they are all dragons and phoenixes, and they are all so handsome, charming and cute.

"Well, yes." Leng Yufeng smiled, stretched out his hand and gently touched the cheek of the little man in his arms, it was very tender.

In his life, he had nothing else to ask for, and to be accompanied by his wife and children was a burst of satisfaction for him.

What he wanted was nothing more than this, to live a quiet and leisurely life after everything was settled.

It's also a treat.

He promised to take Yu'er out of the palace to enjoy the scenery of other countries, he will not break his promise, she has paid so much for her, so what is it.

"It will be very lively now, there will be three children at once." Nangong Xueling also walked in, looked at the child and said with a smile, sincere blessings.

With these children around, the atmosphere will definitely be very lively.

When Li Shang was in front of him, the atmosphere was always lively and never quiet.

My heart felt slightly bitter, Li Shang, don't let me down, don't go away alone.

The emotional change is just a moment, and no one notices it.

Leng Yufeng looked at the little person in his arms, and smiled dotingly: "Well, it will be lively when they grow up." The future scene can be imagined, with the participation of three children, it will definitely be very exciting. lively.

Nangong Xueling smiled without saying a word, with a look of envy in her heart.

Is this home?Accompanied by wife and children.

She suddenly wanted to have it too.

Li Shang, I won't give up on you. If I don't find you, if I don't hear from you, I will keep looking.

Time is like grains of sand, drifting away with the wind, gradually passing by.

In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

The garden of Prince Chen's Mansion was full of excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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