Chapter 675

"Brother Emperor, Sister-in-law, what name did you give the child?" Leng Luoyan teased Feng Jin in his arms, suddenly remembered this question, and asked in a deep voice.

During the past half month, the Second Sister-in-Law and the Great Emperor's Sister-in-law were resting and recuperating, and only got together today after their bodies recovered.

"Not yet." Leng Yufeng shook his head, he was always concerned about Xia Yiyu's body, but he ignored this point, really careless.

"You will be negligent sometimes." Lan Zihan looked at Leng Yufeng playfully.

During Xia Yiyu's pregnancy, he was by her side almost all day except for going to court, and he really felt like glue.

I'm tired of being together all day long, but I forget this point, the more anxious and busy I am, the more I forget it.

Leng Yufeng shook his head and laughed: "I'm not a god, how could I not make mistakes." This was really completely forgotten by him.

Ever since Xia Yiyu became pregnant, all he thought about was how to protect her and prevent her from having trouble with the baby in her belly.

So forgetting is inevitable.

Xia Yiyu looked at the crowd with a smile in her arms and said, "It's not too late to think about it now, don't be so anxious."

It's just a name, it's just a title, and the child is still too young, not yet full moon, so there is really no rush.

"Well, tell me if you have any good names." Leng Yufeng looked at the crowd and said, the smile in his eyes was obvious.

Maybe it's because of becoming a father, so the whole person looks warmer and more popular than before, and the whole person has that soft breath.

He has no grievances or opinions about the name, and it doesn't matter who they choose.

Lan Zihan hugged frivolously, looked into his black eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, turned her head to look at Leng Yufeng and Xia Yiyu and said, "How about killing the sky?"

She thought it was a good name.

"What a domineering name. As expected of a husband and wife, you and your husband both think of the same name." Nangong Xueling clapped her hands and praised.

Frivolous, kill the sky.

Which one is not domineering and arrogant?
What else can she say?The couple's thoughts are all together.

However, the name is really okay, she likes it.

A smile flashed across Leng Yichen's deep and deep eyes, but he didn't say anything.

"I agree too, this name is good." Leng Luoyan said with a smile, agreeing.

"Does the emperor's wife like it?" Lan Zihan asked Xia Yiyu with her phoenix eyes.

It's her business if she likes it, and she has to ask the person if she likes it.

Leng Yufeng can filter it directly, the smile on his face means he likes it, so just ask Xia Yiyu directly.

Xia Yiyu chuckled: "I don't have any objections. I also like this name. Since everyone also likes this, let's settle it like this."

She doesn't have much research on naming things, as long as the child is good.

Besides, the name Lan Zihan chose is very good, and she likes it herself.

"Well, it's fine for the emperor's wife to have no objection." Lan Zihan's lips curled into a smile.

Nangong Xueling propped her chin with one hand, raised her eyes to look at the blue sky, layers of white clouds, with different shapes and changes.

The eyes suddenly became blurred, and I saw that the blue sky changed into a scene.

Above the layers of white clouds, a figure appeared.

Dressed in black clothes without wind, the sleeves fluttering, a baby face is delicate and cute, eyes full of doting, showing a smile to Nangong Xueling, and waving to her.

(End of this chapter)

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