The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 688 Looking for Mandala Flower 2

Chapter 688 Looking for Mandala Flower 2
Thinking of her daddy having to face all kinds of people every day, it is already extremely tiring, and when he returns to the villa, he has to face her cold chain, which is the same for her.

She is so ignorant, how could she be so immature.

Whether it is in modern times or after ancient times, that immaturity has not changed.

Because of her immaturity in modern times, she hurt her daddy the most, and in this life, because of her immaturity, she also hurt the man who loved her the most.

She doesn't know how to love, she learns it so late every time, and she has to learn it every time in the process of enduring pain.

I looked up at the blue sky, and said silently, I have learned to love now, so I will not let the person who loves me leave again.

Lan Zihan once said that my fate is up to me, and she never believes in or accepts her fate.

The same is true for her, the King of Hades wants to take Li Shang away, but she wants to pull him back.

Lan Zihan smiled and didn't say anything more.

Everyone has their own concerns, and Nangong Xueling is the same. I'm afraid she hasn't forgotten what she did to her father.

Even though I have thought about it, it still hurts to think about it.

"Wait." Leng Yichen frowned slightly and stopped everyone.

"Huh?" Lan Zihan looked at Leng Yichen puzzled, did she notice anything special?
"Is there a colder place in that mysterious palace?" Leng Yichen turned to look at Lan Zihan and said in a deep voice.

If I remember correctly, he and Oh Lan Zihan passed by a colder place when they went out to look for game, but they didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning.

Lan Zihan froze for a moment, then narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, and nodded: "Well, there seems to be such a place."

If Leng Yichen hadn't mentioned it, she would have almost forgotten the mysterious palace.

Looking back now, it seems that there really is such a place.

"Where is it, let's go and see." Nangong Xueling's eyes lit up, she did not miss the word "mysterious palace" in Leng Yichen's words.

It should be a place that few people know about.

Lan Zihan turned her head and looked around, and after sizing up the mountain she was in, a smile flashed across her eyes: "This is the mountain."

That mountain peak is shrouded in clouds and mist all the year round, and it is also the highest mountain range in the Blood Palace. This is the land they are stepping on now, so they chose this place without knowing it.

"Go and have a look." Nangong Xueling's eyes sparkled, she looked at Lan Zihan and said in a deep voice.

"Let's go." Lan Zihan chuckled, took out the purple jade pendant from her bosom, held it in her hand and walked towards the peak of the mountain range.

Mo Wuchen, who had not spoken at the side, also followed automatically.

The four walked towards the depths of the forest, their figures gradually disappeared into the hazy mist, and they could no longer be seen.

Lan Zihan stood on the top of the peak, looked at the exotic flowers and plants in front of her, and held the purple jade pendant in her hand, feeling slightly dazed.

She thought that she would never step here again in this lifetime, and she almost forgot about it.

She looked at a depression on the stone steps, and put the purple jade pendant in her hand, the size was just right.

The corners of her lips slowly curled up, Zi Mingfeng, here I come again.

The purple jade pendant was inserted into the sunken place, emitting a burst of dazzling purple light.

"Boom..." The sky-shattering voice sounded again, and the whole mountain trembled slightly. 
Leng Yichen hugged Lan Zihan into his arms, and retreated a little distance, Mo Wuchen and Nangong Xueling did the same, they were both separated by a certain distance.

(End of this chapter)

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