The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 689 Entering the Mysterious Palace Again 1

Chapter 689 Entering the Mysterious Palace Again 1
"Boom..." The sound resounded again, and the top of the summit trembled non-stop. If people didn't know what happened, they would definitely think that an earthquake was about to happen here.

"Boom...Boom..." The noise was getting louder, and the trembling was becoming more and more obvious.

The towering exotic flowers and plants and the rocky rocks in front of them were moved away to the two sides, revealing a pit in the middle.

Gradually, the pit became bigger and bigger, and the things on both sides continued to spread towards the surroundings. The cracked pit was like a lake, occupying the entire peak.

Dust and smoke are everywhere, flying sand and rocks, this scene has to be said to be so spectacular.

The sound continued, and a mass of black matter emerged from the crack, and the distance was getting closer and closer, and it became clearer and clearer.

When the rising speed accelerated, the line of sight was approaching, and what caught the eye was the top of the palace, which was the roof of the palace.

The mysterious palace is still rising, and the violent tremors have not stopped, and they are still going on.

"Boom...boom..." After a minute passed, the mysterious palace finally showed its face, revealing its entire body, and the mountain peak also stopped beating and fell into a quiet state.

The majestic and domineering palace appeared in front of everyone, because the palace was surrounded by towering trees and dense branches and leaves, so the one here would not be seen by too many people, at most they felt that the trembling movement It's just weird.

"Damn it, is this also a formation? I don't even think about it when I look at it, it's even more advanced than the formation that entered the Blood Palace." Nangong Xuelingya looked at this scene in surprise, wondering if it should be so mysterious.

This doesn't look like a formation at all, she has never seen such a wonderful formation that can have such an effect.

However, she herself seems to have forgotten that today is the first time she has seen an ancient formation.

A smile flashed across Lan Zihan's phoenix eyes: "I don't know, and I don't know much about it." She didn't have much research on formations, and they couldn't use them in modern times.

When she first entered the Blood Palace, she was also surprised when she saw the situation.

She didn't know if the scene in front of her was a formation, she was not a professional, she didn't understand these things, so she couldn't help it.

Although Zi Mingfeng said that this palace was prepared for her and given to her, he did not specify how this palace came about or how it was built.

Therefore, although she is the master here, she doesn't know that much.

Besides, it is also the first time for her to watch a live broadcast. The last time she came, the palace had already appeared. After all, they came up after the trembling stopped under the mountain. It cannot be compared with the current situation. Now it is the whole journey. watch.

A strange color flashed in Leng Yichen's deep and deep eyes, and it was fleeting. He looked at Lan Zihan and said in a deep voice: "This is not a formation, but a real illusion."

There is no type of formation that can do this.

It is so difficult to get a palace to the bottom of the mountain without the slightest damage, but also so that others cannot detect it, how can it be done by the formation.

Therefore, he was sure that what he saw was an illusion.

Slightly surprised in his heart, he has always studied these things, but he has never seen illusions, and there are no records in ancient books.

Could it be that people in that world are really so smart, all these things can be learned.

(End of this chapter)

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