The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 693 Find the twin mandala flowers!

Chapter 693 Find the twin mandala flowers!

Mo Wuchen frowned slightly, and instead of jumping down, he quickly came to the edge of the waterfall, lowered his head and looked down, there was water everywhere, but the figures of the three had long since disappeared.

"Are you there?" Mo Wuchen frowned and shouted loudly.

Nangong Xueling heard Mo Wuchen's shout, and hurried back: "Here, we are fine."

Only then did Mo Wuchen feel relieved, it was fine.

However, thinking about it, it will be fine, their martial arts and currents can't do anything to them.

"Let's go up quickly, it's too..." Lan Zihan turned her head to look at the pattern here, and said in a deep voice.But when his eyes swept over something behind him, the figure froze.

"What's wrong?" Nangong Xueling looked at Lan Zihan puzzled, wondering why she didn't finish half of what she said.

But when her eyes passed over that thing, her eyes widened and she looked at it in disbelief.

Leng Yichen looked up, his eyes flashed brightly, and said in a deep voice, "Twin Mandala Flowers."

That's right, isn't it the twin mandala flowers blooming in the corner of the wall, one black and one red, two flowers growing on the same root.

Lan Zihan blinked her phoenix eyes, looked up at Leng Yichen, and nodded: "Well, it's twin mandala flowers, I didn't expect it to grow here."

If Nangong Xueling hadn't fallen, they probably wouldn't have found it.

If there is a cause, there must be an effect, and the cycle of cause and effect.

Li Shang is destined not to leave just like that.

"Let's go, hurry up and take it to Wuchen." Nangong Xueling was the most excited, she was stunned for several seconds before she recovered, her eyes were filled with joy.

Twin mandala flower, that is twin mandala flower!

found it!
Finally found!
Li Shang is saved, Li Shang is saved.

"Okay." Lan Zihanyue Leng Yichen looked at each other with the same look in their eyes.

Leng Yichen stepped forward and uprooted the twin mandala flowers without damage, the whole process was slow.

"Let's go up." Lan Zihan looked at the two and said in a deep voice, then took Nangong Xueling's hand: "The pressure of the water is too high, go up with me."

After all, it is a waterfall, not like lake water. Although Nangong Xueling's qinggong is better than that of ordinary people, but just in case.

Leng Yichen also took Lan Zihan's other hand, nodded to the two, and the figures of the three flew upwards together.

Mo Wuchen had been paying attention to the movement below, and when he saw the figures of the three coming up, he quickly backed away.

The figures of the three landed successfully.

"Wuchen, we found the twin mandala flower, let's go back quickly." Lan Zihan looked at Mo Wuchen with her phoenix eyes and said in a deep voice.

It is useless to find an antidote without developing it.

Therefore, they must leave quickly.

"Okay." Mo Wuchen looked at the twin Mandala Flowers in Leng Yichen's arms, with a gleam in his eyes, and nodded to Lan Zihan.

The four of them quickly left towards the bottom of the waterfall, and their figures gradually disappeared in this piece of heaven and earth.

"Boom..." The deafening voice rang out, but the four of them no longer had the interest to watch.

The four figures quickly rushed towards the foot of the mountain.

The majestic and domineering palace in the back gradually penetrated into the mountain until it disappeared...

Everything is still the same, as if nothing has changed, and the cloud-shrouded mountain peak has returned to the past. ...

(End of this chapter)

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