Chapter 694 Returning to the Blood Palace

When the four of them returned to the Blood Palace, the oppressive and tense atmosphere disappeared without a trace. They had not seen the four of them for five days, and it was a lie to say that they were not worried. , also looking for the figure of the four of them.

It's just that nothing was found.

Mandalahua was not found, and there were no traces of the four of them.

Everyone in the Blood Palace automatically fell into a tense and depressing atmosphere. Now that they have returned, they have also brought back mandala flowers, which really made them breathe a sigh of relief.

Mo Wuchen went straight back to his room to develop the antidote. Tomorrow is seven days away, which is the final bottom line, so he must develop it quickly.

Li Shang's life is in his hands, and he can't relax a bit.

"These two little guys are very good, don't you cry about them." Hua Xiyan looked at the two little guys who were sleeping peacefully in the cradle, her eyes as clear as water were full of affection and smiles.

When she and Jiulan Yunbo first took over the child, although they were not very used to it, there were no major emergencies.

After all, they have also taken care of children, so they will still take care of them.

When night fell on the first day and the outside was quiet, and there was no news of Lan Zihan and his party coming back, she guessed somewhat in her heart that they would not come today.

But from the second day, the third day until today, a full six days have passed, and during the six days, the figures of the four of them did not appear in front of everyone, did not appear in the sight of everyone. ,
After several days of disappearance and no news, no matter how powerful they are, they still have a little worry and anxiety in their hearts.

Now that I see it, I feel like letting go of the big stone in my heart, and it will be fine for them to have nothing to do.

"Han'er, you all go to rest, it's getting late." Jiulan Yunbo looked at Lan Zihan and the three of them and said.

They probably haven't had much rest in the past few days. The twin mandala flowers are so hard to find and so rare, it must have taken a lot of effort and energy.

"Okay, everyone too, go to sleep, there won't be any results today, keep your spirits up." Lan Zihan nodded and looked at several people and said.

She is not very tired, but she has been in a state of tension and anxiety for the past few days, even if she is not tired, she still needs to rest.

Everyone went back to their rooms, and the two little guys were carried back to the room by Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan.

After Lan Zihan took a bath, she went to the side of the cradle, and looked at the two little guys who were sleeping soundly inside. Their pink and jade-carved faces were so pink and tender, they were really cute.

He leaned forward and pressed a kiss on the cheeks of the two little guys, and the corners of their lips curled up.

Seeing this scene, Leng Yichen who came from behind narrowed his eyes slightly, and a gleam of light flashed in his deep and deep pupils.

Lan Zihan stood up, turned around to look at Leng Yichen and said with a smile, "Go to sleep early, and go see how Li Shang's body is doing tomorrow." If the antidote is developed, it shouldn't work so quickly Bar.

Leng Yichen stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Lan Zihan's slender waist, lowered his head and blew hot air into her ear: "Little guy, how long has it been since we have been in close contact." Ever since she was pregnant, he has never treated her Do something out of the ordinary.

Even if he tried to misfire several times, he held back all of them.

(End of this chapter)

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