Chapter 735
The five adults seemed to be a couple of gods descending to the mortal world, and the solitary white-clothed man was even more like a deity who fell into the mortal world by mistake, beautiful without any impurities, and indifferent to the world.

Not to mention the four children, each of them is like a golden boy and a jade girl.

All of them, no matter they are adults or children, their appearance, makeup and temperament are all so outstanding, so stand out.

When they were amazed, they all guessed the identities of several people.

Where did they come from?

Why haven't they been seen in this area? 
If they often come and go here, they don't want to know each other, it is impossible to be so strange.

A few people sat at the same table, so they didn't care about the speculations of the people around them. It had nothing to do with them, and they didn't need to talk to anyone in detail.

The waiter wiped the table with a shouzhong dishcloth, and then asked with a smile, "Guests, what do you want to eat?

He has been working here for such a long time, and he really has never seen such an outstanding person.

Whether it's a man or a woman, they are all so stunning that it makes people's hearts flutter at a glance.

"Bring some signature dishes over here, and a pot of tea." Li Shang looked at the shop waiter and said in a low voice, there was no smile on his baby's face.

Today's Li Shang is very different from the past. Although his nature has not changed, he will not reveal his nature in front of outsiders.

"Okay, all the guests, please wait a moment." The shop clerk agreed with a smile, and then quickly turned to Yiqiu.

It is a fool to have a business but not make money. These people are not easy to mess with at first glance. The things they wear are not gorgeous, but the fabrics are also excellent.

No matter what their status is, as long as they are rich.

Turning her head frivolously, she looked at the man at the side table, staring directly at his mother, the obscene light in her eyes was fleeting.

His heart moved slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, he walked over to the man, and looked at him curiously: "Grandpa, is your saliva falling? Do you have no money to eat? I can treat you."

A pair of ink-like eyes blinked.Very cute.

But he snorted secretly in his heart, daring to be disrespectful to his mother, courting death.

The man rubbed his chin, suddenly embarrassed, angry: "Do you have sharp eyes, do you look at my age like a grandfather? Also, when did I have saliva left on the side of my mouth? If I Without money, I wouldn’t be sitting here now.”

Frivolously raised his head and looked at the man curiously; "Everyone has seen it, why did the old man deny it? Did he like the food we ordered at this table? If you really have no money, old man, you can tell me , I will help you order one, you don’t need to work so hard, old man.”

The man clenched his fists, frowned, and looked at the frivolous impatiently; "I said, why are you so talkative, you go back and forth. Also, I won't lose Mr. Ao, see clearly, I'm only thirty not."

What kind of eyes does this kid have? Is he that old?

Looking frivolously at the man in surprise, he turned his head to look at Leng Yichen, Li Shang, and Mo Wuchen, and looked at everyone innocently and said: "But, the old man seems to be more important than my father and uncle. It’s several times bigger, could it be that everyone didn’t notice it after reading it? Or is it because my eyesight is not good?”

(End of this chapter)

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