Chapter 736
Just as the man was about to speak, he frivolously shook his head and said, "No, I have very good eyesight and can see people very accurately, old man. Do you think your mother raised you too old? Or did you grow too mature?" So, that age looks older than my father and the others, probably several rounds older, so it’s not an exaggeration to call him an old man.”
"You..." The man jumped up and was about to roar, but his throat was blocked by frivolous words.

"Is the old man going to reward me? Am I too smart to guess right?" Frivolous raised his eyes to look at the man, rolled those black eyes, and waved his hand: "No need, mother said However, you have to be humble, so the old man doesn’t need to praise me.”

The man's big hand pointed frivolously, trembling slightly.

Can this guy go any further?Can you?Can you?

"Haha." The audience burst into laughter, this kid is so funny.

Li Shang and his party couldn't help laughing.

Leng Yichen glanced at Frivolous with his deep eyes, and did not speak, but the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Lan Zihan played with her fingers, raised her eyebrows and looked frivolously, and said nonchalantly, you brat bear, you actually used her as a shield, she didn't remember when she said that.

Furthermore, does that frivolous kid know how to write a humble son?understand?
Shaking his head, compared to his black belly, that man is not a frivolous opponent at all, he is only asking for his own death.

The man was furious, clenched his fists tightly, looked at the frivolous with gloomy eyes, as if he wanted to tear his body apart,
However, he still held back deeply.

First of all, if you fight with a five or six-year-old child, it is obvious that you are bullying him, he is just a child who doesn't know anything yet.

Secondly, that group of beautiful people don't seem to be easy to provoke. He has to be careful, and don't cause trouble if he can.

There is a feeling in his heart that these people in front of him are not something he can provoke.

Therefore, it's better not to get close to them, otherwise you really don't know when you will be half-dead by that kid.

Qing Kuang walked to Lan Zihan's side, with a smile on his face: "Mother, Qing Kuang is very smart, isn't he?"
If others can't understand it, how can those who understand him not understand it? He has no intention of hiding it from anyone.

If it wasn't for the presence of so many people and they had just come out, he really wouldn't show mercy to that man, and it would be king to directly kill him.

The corners of Lan Zihan's lips curled slightly: "How bad can my son be?"

A mountain is higher than another mountain, frivolous and arrogant, naturally someone is more arrogant than him.

For example, his mother and father are the same.

Therefore, this made frivolity deeply feel that in front of the two of them, he could only be a little white rabbit in a hurry, and if he wanted to stand up, he would be beaten by his father directly.

This made him very unhappy, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Clenching a fist in my heart, I secretly made up my mind.

When he grows up, he must beat his father.

"Mother, Dad, I have something to tell you." The frivolous expression suddenly became serious, and he looked at the two without blinking.

Lan Zihan spread her hands, Leng Yichen raised her eyebrows, signaling that he could speak.

Frivolous and very calm, he raised his eyes to look at the two of them, and said in a deep voice: "Father, I want to go to Tianchen alone, and go to Tianchen first."

(End of this chapter)

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