The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 737 4 Little Guys 1 Drama 1

Chapter 737 Four Little Guys, One Drama 1
A few words, together with the surprise of several people.

Leng Yichen raised his eyebrows: "Do you want to go to Tianchen alone?"

He thought he would say something, but he didn't think about it.

"Yes, together with the fathers, they are always protected. Qingqian wants to rush to Tianchen by himself. Being alone is good for growth." Qingqian nodded.

That's what he thought, he already had this idea when he came out of the blood palace, but he didn't say it out loud.

"Brother, I'm going too, let's go together." Feng Jin raised her hand to speak, eager to try.

There is a smile in Canruo Xingchen's eyes, and the smiling face is very cute.

"Mother, I also want to go with Fengjin and the others." Qingyin also raised her hand to speak.

"Daddy, I want it too." Qingxue also ran away, and the four children all had the same idea, wanting to rush to Tianchen alone, without the protection of several people.

Lan Zihan looked frivolous and raised her eyebrows: "Can you take good care of my sisters?"

Nodding frivolously: "Mother, don't underestimate them, they are not weak girls, even clingy people can be tougher than them, but I will definitely take good care of them." The little face is full of smiles .

His mother's asking like this means that she has agreed.

Since the mother agreed, then the father must agree without any objection, and the same is true for the godmother and the godfather, they are all based on the mother.

"Okay, go straight to the southeast, bring some money with you, and see you at the Prince Chen's Mansion." Lan Zihan nodded and said with a smile.

She has no objection to this matter. On the one hand, it is beneficial to their growth, and on the other hand, it also allows them to see the outside world.

People's hearts are unpredictable, there are everything, and they want to experience it earlier, which may not be a good thing.

They are more mature than their peers, and all of them have martial arts, not to mention frivolity and Fengjin are still fierce, nothing will happen.

Thinking of this, she will feel relieved to let them go.

"Okay, mother, I'll see you at the Prince Chen's Mansion." A gleam of light flashed across her frivolous eyes, and the aura of her whole body became even brighter.

"Eat first, if you don't have the strength to hurry, eat well and go your separate ways." Nangong Xueling waved her hand, reminding the four little guys.

"Okay." The four little guys nodded with a smile.

After the meal, several people parted ways.

Five adults rode horses, while four children hired a carriage.

It will take seven days to rush to Tianchen, if you walk, when will you have to go.

"Mother, let's go." Feng Jin waved to Lan Zihan and his party, his eyes rested on Mo Wuchen, and said with a smile: "Wuchen, wait for me at Chenwang Mansion."

"Okay." Mo Wuchen nodded, looking at her with a smile in his eyes.

"Uncle, you can go." Qingyin looked at the groom who was driving the carriage, and signaled that he could start on his way.

The groom looked at Lan Zihan and his group, and then at the four jade-carved children in Cheshan, the cold sweat in his heart

The five adults are so good-looking, their identities are definitely not single, and the little guys in Cheshan are so exquisite, perfect and full of aura, but they have to go to Tianchen alone. If something happens halfway, how can he bear it?
He really didn't know that all these people thought so, and he wasn't worried at all.

Lan Zihan looked at the groom with raised eyebrows, and said in a deep voice: "You just need to take them to Tianchen, they will take care of themselves, you don't have to worry, and you don't need to be responsible for what happens."

(End of this chapter)

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