The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 766 4 Little Guys 1 Drama 30

Chapter 766 Four Little Guys, One Drama 30
As early as when the flame appeared out of thin air in the girl's palm, they were already stunned.

Then he witnessed this scene with his own eyes, this cruel scene, this bloody scene.

Horror and a slight panic crept into their hearts.

That is
Burn a person to death alive, let him suffer the pain of being burned by the fire, let him endure such suffering.

They are just ordinary people, even if they have some kung fu, even if they have fought with others, they have never experienced such a scene, never experienced such a thing.

Looking at the small figure floating in mid-air, the pink and jade-carved face has been replaced by icy coldness, the arrogance in the eyes has not diminished, and there is a cold and arrogant aura around him.

Is she still a four or five year old child?After all, he is not a normal person.

Why did they use the exercise that they had never seen before?
Shaking his head, he immediately denied that it was not a kung fu method, there is no kung fu method like hers, it is simply a heaven-defying technique, a heaven-defying technique.

With a wave of your hand, flames rise, and with a snap of your fingers, people dissipate.

Who are they?
They won't forget why she was angry, why she changed.

It was the man who insulted her parents, that's why she became like this.

I can't help but feel a sense of luck and relief in my heart, it's okay.

Fortunately, they didn't say anything disrespectful to her parents.

Otherwise, that man will be their end.

"Another change has come." Li Feng looked at the figure floating in the air, that smiling face seemed to overlap with the peerless face of that year,
However, Lan Zihan back then was even more bloodthirsty, cruel, ruthless and cold-blooded than the young master.

In fact, it is also stronger than Xiao Shao.

However, looking at the young master who was only five years old, and what she did, he couldn't help admiring her.

He acted like a prince and a boss, and he really deserved to be the children of the two gods he worshiped.

Zhi Chrome's heart fluctuated slightly, and his eyes were full of respect: "Boss's child, where can you go?"

He still said the same thing, where can the boss's child go?

With the demeanor of the boss.

Feng Jin's figure fell vertically from mid-air, stood still, looked around, ran towards the frivolous direction, jumped off the stage, threw herself into frivolous arms, and said with a smile: "Brother, let's go home, shall we? I miss my mother."

The voice is soft and sweet, immature childish voice, extremely cute.

The aura of the whole person has changed back to its original appearance, and the cruel side just now no longer exists.

If everyone hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would definitely think that the scene just now was their illusion.

However, they are very clear that it does exist.

Hugging Feng Jin's waist frivolously, rubbing her head, his eyes were full of smiles: "Okay, let's go back to find mother tomorrow morning."

They have never lived together with their mother, father and others since they were young, and they are used to that kind of life and that kind of life.

Now that it's been less than a day since we left, I've already started to miss him.

Since she was a child, Feng Jin liked to cling to her father and mother's side, and this time she came out alone, she must have missed them.

Don't talk about her, he is the same, he wants to kiss them.

So, let's speed up the journey and rush back to Prince Chen's Mansion tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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