The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 767 4 Little Guys 1 Drama 31

Chapter 767 Four Little Guys, One Drama 31
"Well, let's go back to the restaurant." Feng Jin kissed frivolously on the face and said with a smile.

She misses her mother and father, so she doesn't want to play outside.

No matter how happy you are outside, no matter how free you are outside, it will be warmer without mother and father around.

"Feng Jin, you are arrogant again." Qingxue raised her eyebrows and said with a smile while looking at Feng Jin.

Feng Jin turned her head, blinked her star eyes, and smiled back: "I'm not so arrogant, I'm very kind."

Qingyin smiled: "Let's go back, it's getting late, go back early to rest, and hurry up tomorrow." She also missed her mother and father, and her godmother.

Four small figures walked out of the crowd, and everyone around them automatically made way for them.

No one dares to provoke.

Watching the few people leaving towards the outside of the crowd, Steward Yan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he left, he was afraid that the little girl would continue to interfere with Ruoxi's matter, and that would be troublesome.

It's just that his breath was relaxed, and he couldn't go up in one breath.

Feng Jin's soft, glutinous, tender and sweet voice came from the crowd: "Whoever dares to touch Sister Ruoxi, the consequences are up to you."

There was a hint of naughtiness in his tone.

As if it was just a casual talk.

But everyone didn't dare to underestimate her, and they didn't dare to talk about her as a writer.

You know, they can't bear the consequences, and they can't bear it.

Butler Yan held his breath in his throat, which made him uncomfortable.

He had just thought that they would not intervene, but who would have thought that she would come.

Looking at the direction in which the four figures left, and then looking at Ruoxi, he sighed slightly, the matter has come to this point, and he is powerless to say how much it is.

Ruoxi definitely can't be taken away, who knows if you will be the next one. "

Ruoxi's heart moved slightly, seeing Feng Jin's leaving back, her heart softened, and there was still a trace of reluctance.

They just met by chance, but she gave her a helping hand, how should she repay this kindness.

Li Feng took a look at Zhi He, and said in a deep voice, "Follow me." After finishing speaking, he also walked out of the crowd.

Since the young masters have all decided to return to the Prince Chen's Mansion, the two of them must protect it well.

The night is as cool as water, full of stars, what happened tonight, did they meet by chance, or did they make a wedding dress for someone?

everything is unknown
The breeze blows by, with a hint of coolness, blowing away the anxiety and irritability in the heart, and bringing a lifetime of coolness.

The four of them walked on the street, and instead of wandering any longer, they headed towards the restaurant.

When he reached a place where there were few people, he stopped frivolously and said coldly: "You have been with us for so long, don't you plan to come out?"

All four of them turned to look in the direction of a big tree not far away.

Frivolous had already told them when they left that someone was following them.

Behind the big tree, Li Feng and Zhi Chrome looked at each other silently, with the same look in their eyes, they were discovered.

Zhi Chrome raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Feng, asking silently, can he get out?
Li Feng rolled his eyes and said in a low voice: "Aren't you going out and waiting to die here? Little Zhao Zhu and others have already found us, so hurry up and get out."

After speaking, he pushed the chrome out, and then walked out by himself.

If you don't go out, if the young masters get angry and use the fire without saying a word to burn his forehead to ashes, wouldn't Li Feng be going to die, that would be so wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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