The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 768 4 Little Guys 1 Drama 32

Chapter 768 Four Little Guys, One Drama 32
Looking frivolously at the two men who came out from behind the big tree, frowning, he asked in a cold voice, "What have you been following us for, and what is your purpose? Say what you want, otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

He was in a bad mood today, he wanted to leave early, and he didn't want to get entangled with these two people.

However, if they want to come over and be sandbags, he doesn't mind.

The corners of Li Feng's eyes twitched, "Little Master, can you stop talking so boldly?"

He walked in the direction of the four of them, and said in a deep voice: "Young master, I am the captain Li Feng who is against the sky, not a bad person, so we are together."

Confession is lenient, resistance is strict.

He is definitely not the young master's opponent, so it is better to surrender early.

Anyway, they are all our own people, so there is no need to misunderstand them.

"That's right, young master, we are our own people." Zhi chrome on the side said with a smile.

I finally got to talk to the young master, I was so excited.

However, someone obviously forgot that the atmosphere at this moment is not so normal at all.

Frivolously snorted coldly: "Whoever is on your own side, don't get involved with me. If someone on the street says this, do I have to believe it?"

What's wrong with Ni Tian, ​​people outside know that Ni Tian was trained by her mother and is also one of her subordinates, so it's not surprising to know.

Li Feng stared frivolously: "Then how can the young master believe it?" He didn't hold out hope either, they would believe him when he told his identity.

The young master brought out by the boss will not be so vigilant and defensive.

Looking back at the detected person in the restaurant, he knew it at a glance. At that time, the young master must have already noticed it.

He frivolously raised his eyebrows: "I don't believe it anyway."

Li Feng was silent, he looked directly at the situation with his eyes like ink, and said in a deep voice; "The young master came out of the blood palace together with the boss and the prince, you should know that the only people outside the blood palace are the boss." People know."

The boss had previously warned him not to reveal his identity.

He must not reveal it.

Feng Jin on the side interjected: "Who knows if you overheard our conversation and did it on purpose."

Speaking of this, when she was in the restaurant today, she really didn't have any scruples, so she just said the name of the blood palace.

However, no one seemed to know at the time, and even if they knew, they would not be able to guess the identity of the bleeding palace.

Li Feng was at a loss for words, he was so far away, could he hear what they were saying?Can?
He didn't dare to peep so close, okay?

He looked at Feng Jin with both eyes, and said respectfully: "The young master was born in the blood palace, and he just came out of the blood palace today. I don't think anyone has been able to get the knife out of the hands of the king and concubine so quickly." News. Besides, the boss and the prince have stayed in the blood palace for five years, and no one knows where they went."

When he said this, he had already told the truth.

Even if they had doubts before, now they should believe.

Frivolous raised eyebrows and looked at Li Feng: "Looking at your cold appearance, you are quite eloquent."

In this way, Li Feng's identity has been recognized.

The people his mother trained were pretty good, at least, he was satisfied with what he saw.

There was a smile in Li Feng's eyes: "Young master praised, these are all cultivated by the boss, and the rest of us against the sky are not weak."

(End of this chapter)

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