The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 769 4 Little Guys 1 Drama 33

Chapter 769 Four Little Guys, One Drama 33
He is definitely not lying about this, but it is the truth.

Among them, none of them are weak, and they are all people who can stand alone.

"Why did the two of you come here?" The frivolous eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Li Feng and Zhi Chrome.

They just happened to be in the bleeding palace today, and the two of them followed immediately, and they had already noticed it during the day.

How did they get the news in such a short time.

Guards is a mother's person, so
Li Feng said unhurriedly: "I came back from Yuezhuo with Zhi Chrome, and I happened to meet the four of you in a restaurant. The appearance of the young master, the boss, and the prince are so similar, there must be some origin. Then When I saw the young master using that fire just now, I was completely sure. Except for the boss, no one else can use that fire."

Zhi Chrome nodded in a deep voice: "Yes, young master."

In his heart, he secretly despised Li Feng for a while, and he didn't blush or breathe when he lied.

Little did he know, so did he himself.

Frivolously squinting his eyes and looking at the two of them, the corners of his lips curled up: "Really? Is that really the case?"

Really think he is a three-year-old child, so easy to deceive.

Li Feng nodded and said in a deep voice: "That's the case." He thought to himself, little master, please don't ask any more questions.

He will not say anything, he will not say anything, and he will not say anything.

I sighed silently in my heart, young master, you are only five years old, why can't you deceive you at all.

Qingyin blinked her moist and lustrous eyes, and smiled cutely: "Frivolous brother, let's go back, it's too late, stop wandering outside, there are many bad guys."

The corners of Li Feng's eyes twitched, the little girl thought him a bad person.

He's obviously handsome, but he doesn't look like a bad guy at all, he doesn't have the potential to be a bad guy at all, okay?

"Okay, let's go back." Looking at Qingyin with a smile in her frivolous eyes, she nodded.

The four little guys turned around and headed towards the restaurant, leaving only the two of them with four backs.

Li Feng looked at the sky speechlessly, he was still looking forward to what kind of scene it would be to meet the young masters, now, his illusions are shattered
"They believed us." Zhi Chrome looked at the direction in which the frivolous four left, and said in a deep voice.

Although the little girl said so just now, there is no lack of belief in it.

"Well, let's follow and protect them." Li Feng nodded and said in a deep voice.

If you don't believe it, you have already done something to them, you won't ignore them, and you won't just leave with a smile.

Hearing these words, Zhi Chrome burst into tears: "Do you still need our protection, young masters? They are already tougher than me."

He looked at the move Feng Jin used, and he was speechless looking at the sky and burst into tears.

That trick is something he can't use no matter what.

It really cannot be compared with change and state.

That's not on the same level at all.

Li Feng slapped Zhi Chrome on the back of the head: "If something happens, will you be responsible? The young masters are just children after all, with sinister hearts, and who knows that those people have evil intentions."

Although the methods of the Fengjin fighters today are shocking and horrifying, they are four children after all. For such delicate and lovely children, and their martial arts are so powerful, it is difficult to guarantee that someone will have other thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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