The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 770 4 Little Guys 1 Drama 34

Chapter 770 Four Little Guys, One Drama 34
The purpose of their trip is to protect them, even if they are very strong, they have to follow behind to protect them.

"En." Zhi Chrome nodded in a deep voice, he naturally understood this truth, and he was just talking about it.

No one is more important than them, the eldest child, they will definitely protect them to the end.

The four little guys returned to the restaurant, there were not many people in the hall, and the four went directly to their rooms.

Three little girls are in one room, and frivolity is alone in one room.

In the dim room, only the candle was burning alone, the quilt on the bed was neatly folded, and there was no trace of Dong talking.

A figure stood by the window, looking at the scenery outside the window, the night was as cool as water, full of prosperity, and the bright first quarter moon hung high in the sky.

The anti-breeze blows, bringing a feeling of coolness, and people can't help numbering their moods.

Looking frivolously at the bright moon, the corners of her lips slowly curled up, mother, even if you tell them not to say it, I know it's you.

Yes, he knew that those two were sent by his mother and father to protect them.

Although his mother and godmother seem very casual and calm on the surface, they don't feel worried if they go to play by themselves.

In fact, I worry about them more than anyone else.

It's just that they are not hypocritical people, and they are not good at expressing that kind of emotion, nor are they good at words.

Therefore, express it directly with actions and let them experience it.

Feeling a figure waiting outside the door, a gleam of light and a smile flashed across the ink-like eyes.

As early as when the two revealed their identities, he had already believed them.

Guards, it's not that he has never heard of it, he knows most of the things about his mother and father in the outside world.

Looking up at the curved Lun Yue, she felt very relieved, and said softly: "Mother, Frivolous will soon come to Chenwang Mansion to meet you."

And in the opposite room, in the private room of the three of Feng Jin.

The lights were bright, and the three cute little people were all lecturing in the same quilt. With pink-carved faces, long and slightly curly eyelashes, and even breathing, the three of them had already fallen asleep.

Li Feng and Zhi Chrome were guarding the door.

The night is as cool as water, and everything is silent. The whole street has quieted down, and everyone has entered a dream.

Li Feng and Zhi Chrome did not return to their own rooms, but directly guarded outside the rooms of the four young masters to avoid any movement.

It was already late at night, and everyone was sleeping very, very deeply.

Li Feng and Li Feng were also drowsy, not as energetic as before.

On the street in the dark night, there were two figures shuttled back and forth, like ghosts, they entered the restaurant where the frivolous and frivolous people stayed.

No one noticed, no one noticed, and everyone fell into a sweet dream for a long time.

The two figures quickly walked towards the third floor, which was the floor where the guest rooms were staying.

After entering the third floor, they all held their breath, and slowly walked towards the room where the frivolous and the others were located.

After seeing the two figures outside the room, the leading man in black stretched out his hand and signaled the people behind him to stop.

The man in black behind him understood and didn't make any sound.

The leading man in black turned his head, and the two looked at each other with the same look in each other's eyes.

The leader nodded, took out a stick of incense from his pocket, lit it, and the smoke drifted towards the direction of the two people outside the room.

(End of this chapter)

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