The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 771 4 Little Guys 1 Drama 35

Chapter 771 Four Little Guys, One Drama 35
The smoke was like a dreamy mist, and it hit the direction where Li Feng and Zhi Chrome were. The two of them didn't make any movement, they seemed to be in a deep sleep, and the sound of breathing was very deep, very deep.

The leading man in black looked back at the person behind him, nodded, and the two of them approached the front slowly in a tacit cooperation.

The footsteps were light and slow, and did not disturb anyone.

The distance between the two of them was getting closer and closer to Li Feng and Zhi Chrome, but they were still sleeping very deeply, as if they were unconscious.

There was a gleam of light in the eyes of the leading man in black, and he walked towards Li Feng's position, raised his right hand, and cut the dagger in his hand towards his neck.

The same is true of the other man in black, approaching the stop with a dagger in his hand. In the dark night, only the light of the dagger can be seen.

"Do you deserve to play with a dagger?" A cold voice sounded, Li Feng opened his cold eyes, and at some point he held the cold dagger in his hand, and took the black-clothed leader's hand. The dagger fell to the ground with one blow, and the dagger touched his neck in an instant. It entered shallowly, and traces of blood had seeped out.

The same goes for Zhichrome. With a sweep of his long legs, the man in black flew away, and then quickly stepped forward, with the dagger resting on his throat. bloodthirsty.

The leader in black snorted coldly: "You are just pretending."

He saw that the two were breathing evenly and sleeping deeply, but he didn't expect that both of them were pretending.

It seemed that they had already noticed the two of them.

Li Feng said in a cold voice: "My lord, when I was training, you were not fucking born yet. Are you qualified to play smoke in front of me?" There was coldness and arrogance in his tone.

As early as when the two entered the third floor, he and Zhi Chrome had already woken up, and they were just pretending to be asleep, just wanting to see who it was.

Their vigilance and defensiveness are excellent.

Guards was trained by Lan Zihan, how could he be planted here.

The leader in black looked at the cold face in front of him, and snorted coldly: "What is the relationship between you and the people inside? Our goal is not you. If it doesn't matter, you can leave, it has nothing to do with each other."

The purpose of his visit this time was only the four children inside, and the appearance of these two people was beyond his expectation.

When the four children came today, there was no one else around, only a groom, and the two never appeared.

Well, they shouldn't be all the way.

But, what are the two of them doing here?
This is the only thing he doesn't understand.

The dagger in Li Feng's hand deepened again, and he said in a cold voice: "You seem to have forgotten the current situation, who is more advantageous."

Is this person shameless or stupid, who didn't see the situation clearly?
Didn't he see such an obvious situation?

The eyes of the leader in black widened slightly, and the pain on the neck was clearly felt, and the liquid flowed down the neck.

Staring at Li Feng with both eyes, he said in a deep voice, "Do you know the people inside?"

If you don't know each other, you might stay here in the middle of the night and stay here.

He actually just ignored him directly.

Li Feng's brows were full of coldness: "It's really ridiculous to be a thief and a thief to such an extent."

Is there such a thing as being a thief or a thief in this world?He really hasn't seen it yet.

He stayed here with Zhi Jin, and even came to ask if he knew the people inside.

(End of this chapter)

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