Chapter 792: Finally Meeting 1
Sunshine, liveliness, vigor, and vigor are vividly reflected in Feng Jin, infecting everyone in the garden.

There was a trace of tenderness in Leng Yichen's deep and deep eyes, looking at that small figure, there was a look of doting in his eyes.

Frivolously waved at Feng Jin: "Feng Jin, come here, let's go see if mother and the others are here."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure froze slightly, and turned to look back.

Sure enough, what he saw was his mother, father and everyone at the gate of the garden.

There was a smile in Rumo's eyes, and the figure quickly ran to Lan Zihan's side, holding her arm with her small hand, and said with a smile: "Mother, Dad, when did you come?"

Because he was so engrossed in watching, he didn't even know when they came. 
Lan Zihan patted Frivolous's head and said with a smile, "Not long." Li Feng had sent her a message yesterday that they would be here this afternoon.

Therefore, when she heard the roar of the tiger, she had already guessed that it must be frivolous and they had arrived.

Sure enough, it was them.

Frivolous raised a lovely smile, blinked those beautiful red phoenix eyes: "Mother, do you miss me?"

Lan Zihan chuckled lightly: "En." To be honest, if you think about it, you just think about it, if you don't think about it, you don't want to.

"Daddy." Feng Jin also left Tiger King's side, and quickly threw herself into Leng Yichen's arms, calling out in a soft, sweet voice.

Leng Yichen hugged Feng Jin's body, smiled dotingly and said: "I know I'm back."

Feng Jin stuck out her tongue: "This is my home, my father and mother are here, of course I want to come back." No matter how good the outside world is, it is not where she belongs. Her home is here, and so are her relatives. So, of course she's coming back.

Besides, she doesn't think it's much fun outside, it's just so boring without mother and father around.

Leng Yichen smiled softly: "Well, do you like this place?" Their home.

Feng Jin nodded: "I like it." She didn't lie, there are also manjusawa in the garden here, although there are not as many as in the Blood Palace, the environment is not bad.

When she just entered the palace and was wandering around, she had already roughly reviewed the scenery and layout here, which is the type she likes.

This home, she likes it.

Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows and looked at Qingkuang: "Qianku, do you like it?"

This is where they will live in the future, and the opinion of the child is also important, and they cannot ignore it.

"I like it." Nodding frivolously.

He is quite satisfied here, there is no luxurious decoration, it is fresh, elegant and quiet, he likes it.

The atmosphere in the Blood Palace is almost the same.

Qingyin and Qingxue were also in the arms of Lishang and Nangong Xueling, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Leng Luoyan looked at the frivolous beside Lan Zihan with a pair of eyes, a smile flashed across his eyes, and he greeted with a smile: "Little frivolous, I am your third uncle."

Looking at the frivolous face, I couldn't help admiring. Sure enough, the genes of the second brother and the second sister-in-law were abnormal, and the children they gave birth to were all very good.

Although he is still young now, it is not difficult to see what kind of elegance he will be when he grows up.

The frivolous Mou Zhongguo flashed a golden light, but when he raised his head, his eyes were full of cuteness: "Hello, Uncle Sanhuang." He is a good-tempered and polite boy, yes.

(End of this chapter)

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