Chapter 793: Finally Meeting 2
The immature homonym is very cute, and the little guy is also very gentlemanly and elegant, like a little prince.

All of these have already won the favor of everyone.

Of course, everyone refers to those who don't know.

The smile on Leng Luoyan's face deepened: "Little frivolous is really polite and handsome." The above-mentioned beautiful Danfeng eyes are completely inherited from the second sister-in-law.

But Feng Jin is different, Feng Jin's star-like eyes are all inherited from his second brother.

In short, how good these two people really are, how did they come about, there is a shortcoming in their inherited reputation.

However, they didn't seem to see any shortcomings in Lan Zihan and Leng Yichen.

Those who knew the truth couldn't help but laugh when they heard these words, this guy is going to kill innocent people again.

But at this moment, Nangong Xueling would not give Qing Kuang this chance, she smiled: "Qian Kuang, I heard that you kissed my little Qingyin?"

Smile at any time, but the words are affirmative.

She didn't forget this, this guy just has the habit of going against her.

Listening frivolously, there was no fluctuation on her face, she still smiled cutely: "Godmother, since you know, why do you still ask knowingly, it's normal for a brother to kiss a sister." After speaking, he blinked his ink-like eyes, That look is really sincere.

As he thought, they really knew.

No need to ask, this matter must have been reported by those two people.

Li Feng and Zhi Chrome looked at each other, and they both lowered their sense of existence. They regretted it now. If they had known about this situation, they would not have said anything.

Nangong Xueling shook her finger and taught seriously: "The situation, you have never kissed any of them before, don't tell me, you just had a whim."

Damn, just pretend, she won't believe it, she can pretend to the end.

Facts have proved that the power of frivolity is quite deep, he smiled calmly: "Godmother is really a roundworm in my stomach, you know what I am thinking."

On a whim, well, this statement is okay.

Nangong Xueling smiled like a flower: "Frivolous, what is going on in your mind, I don't know very well, but I know six or seven. Don't be sloppy in front of your godmother, I don't take that kind of thing."

Want to fool her?There are no doors.

Frivolous and calm, he blinked his eyes: "Godmother, do you know that another very good advantage of yours is your eyes?"

Nangong Xueling raised her eyebrows: "What is it?" Strengths?Can this kid discover the good points in her?
Frivolous said seriously: "I just like to distort the facts, and I am a good example."

The implication is that what he just said is true, that is, you have been distorting the facts.

The corners of Nangong Xueling's eyes twitched, and she gave a frivolous look: "This advantage is more suitable for you. Your godmother, I am very kind, I am very honest, and I never lie."

Twist the facts?That kid was ashamed to say it, but he was the one who distorted the facts the most.

Frivolous and innocent: "Godmother, I don't have one, look, the godmother just can't talk about me now, and she's distorting the facts again."

Nangong Xueling was at a loss for words, and rolled her eyes: "Do you need to distort the facts by looking at me?"

Why does she need to distort the facts?This guy is really getting more and more foxy.

He smiled frivolously and gracefully: "Usually, those who can't say anything, or those who are wronged, will do these little tricks, such as rolling their eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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