Chapter 794: Finally Meeting 3
Nangong Xueling gave a frivolous look: "Just pretend you kid."

The children born from Bian, Bian and Bian, are really not weak at all.

Laughter frivolously: "I'm very honest." Yes, very honest.

When people tell lies, they have to blush and heartbeat secretly, but he is calm and aboveboard.

Lan Zihan smiled and said nothing, this kind of situation will happen when these two are together, but every time they are frivolous and win.

Feng Jin covered her mouth and snickered. She paid homage to her brother and won again.

Qingyin covered her face, her mother was too tough and always lost to i's frivolous brother.

Qingxue looked at the only boy who came with Lan Zihan and his group, and asked Li Shang who was holding her directly: "Daddy, who is Shitian?"

Seeing the cold and arrogant flash of the boy's eyebrows, he blinked, could it be that boy?
His words attracted everyone's attention.

Li Shang didn't answer, Shi Tian raised his eyes to look at Qing Xue, stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "I am Shi Tian."

His voice was resonant and sonorous, although it was still an immature homonym, but it made everyone feel the difference between him and his peers.

A flash of light flashed across Qingxue's eyes, and she whistled: "My name is Li Qingxue."

He is what Li Feng and the others called Shitian, and he looks pretty good.

That's good.

Li Feng and Zhi Chrome, who knew the inside story, wiped the sweat from their foreheads, for fear that Qingxue would burst out with words that were not shocking and endless.

Lan Zihan looked at Shi Tian, ​​with a flash of admiration in his eyes, this child is fine.

Shi Tian looked at Qingxue in puzzlement: "Did you ask me for something?" He was very polite and qualified.

This is the etiquette that a person in the palace should have and should learn. 
However, Leng Yufeng and Xia Yiyu didn't put too much pressure on him, they just let him learn the basics and what he needs to know, and he can experience the rest by himself.

Qing Xue pursed her lips and smiled slightly: "It's all right." It's all right for now.

When meeting for the first time, there is no need to be so anxious.

Although she likes to compete with others, she also has a limit. She knows when to act recklessly, when to restrain herself, and when to be serious.
Shi Tian blinked his eyes, although he was puzzled, he didn't say anything.

Qingkuang raised his eyes to look at Shitian, and curled his lips: "My name is Leng Qingkuang, and I'm your brother."

It should be interesting to finally have a man.

Shi Tian looked at frivolously and nodded with a smile: "Brother, my name is Shi Tian." He had wanted to meet them a long time ago, but he never had the chance.

He has all the black belly, funny side, and cute side of frivolous Fangcai in his eyes, which is very funny.

A frivolous and evil smile: "En." The cute look on his face was gone, there was a hint of evil smile in Danfeng's eyes, and there was a faint evil spirit all over his body, with a hint of charm and temptation.

Nangong Xueling on the side couldn't stand it anymore: "I said, little frivolous, can you be more evil? Please pay attention to the other party's gender, Shi Tian is a man, so put away the smile in your eyes."

Everyone: "."

Frivolous and innocent, he blinked: "Godmother, I am greeting Shi Tian, ​​okay? You are really evil."
How could she think about that?He blushed a little while listening.

The only one who killed the sky was Monk Zhang Er who couldn't figure it out, half-understood.

Sure enough, what kind of people can educate what kind of children are not wrong at all.

(End of this chapter)

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