The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 800 Training 7 Little Guys 4

Chapter 800 Training the Seven Little Guys 4
The seven of them stood in different positions, started from different directions, and rushed towards Lan Zihan's body.

Lan Zihan smiled evilly, Feng's eyes didn't fluctuate, he just stood there, waving the long whip in his hand, first aiming at Ye Feimo's body, the long whip rolled up his waist, and mercilessly aimed at Ye Feimo. Throw it aside.

Then rolled up Leng Tianzong again, as before, and threw it out without even looking at it.

Shi Tian watched the long black whip attacking him, his pupils shrank slightly, and he quickly dodged to the side.

However, how could he be Lan Zihan's opponent? He couldn't compare with him in terms of speed.

First, the long black whip quickly came to him, blocked his way, spun in mid-air, rolled up his body, and threw it to the side, as easily as throwing a stone.

There is a layer of soft cushions on the ground where they are, so they will feel pain when they fall, but it will not hurt the vitals.

Lan Zihan is not that cold-blooded yet, they are just four or five-year-old children, and she only cares about what to do and what not to do.

They are now skinny and tender, and they can't stand this toss. They can't step into the theme in one step, and they can't reach the sky in one step. There must be an adaptation period and a transition period in everything.

Because the frivolous dead people have been trained for a period of time, they are slightly better than Shi Tian and the other three, and they are not so embarrassed. They are all standing not far from Lan Zihan in a posture of preparing for battle.

The corners of Lan Zihan's lips curled slightly, and she said in a cold voice; "There are still 6 minutes."

The phoenix eyes determined a target, and the long whip aimed at Qingyin's position and attacked.

Qingyin's face was full of serious expressions. Seeing the long whip sweeping towards her, the figure flew up and retreated quickly. At the same time, she took out a dagger in her hand and aimed at the long whip.

Lan Zihan was not in a hurry, she raised her right hand, and the sideline that was supposed to be close to Qingyin suddenly turned around, instead of attacking her waist, she went towards her legs.

Qingyin was startled, the dagger in his hand changed direction, and followed the long whip.

However, if Lan Zihan wants to change direction, who can stop it?

Before the dagger got close to the black long whip, Qingyin's legs were already wrapped around the sidelines, and her body was thrown straight away, then turned around again, and went towards the next target. Cold voice: "Five minutes and 50 seconds" 
Frivolous gestured to Feng Jin and Qingxue, the two nodded their heads to meet, and three figures flew towards Lan Zihan, all of them with daggers in their hands, attacking Mu Lan Zihan's weak point go.

Lan Xihan smiled without saying a word, speeding up his hands, his figure flew up quickly, a little higher than the three of them, and the black evil long whip hit Qingxue on the far left.

The long black whip carried a fierce aura.

Qingxue's figure quickly dodged sideways, and she could still feel the strong wind brushing past her ears.

Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows, and the long whip spun in mid-air, wrapping around Qingxue's neck.

Qingxue's small body bent backwards, and the long whip brushed past her cheeks, almost only one centimeter away from her nose, bringing up a strand of hair on her forehead, floating in the air. mid-air.

If it was slower, there is no doubt that she had already been hit by the whip at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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