The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 801 Training 7 Little Guys 5

Chapter 801 Training the Seven Little Guys 5
Lan Zihan didn't give Qingxue a chance to catch her breath, and the next attack of the long whip came one after another, sweeping towards her waist.

Qingxue frowned, and quickly slashed at the long whip with the dagger in her hand.

However, the strength and momentum of the long whip was beyond her reach. Her wrist hurt, and the dagger was jumped by the long whip and fell to the side. It flew straight out.

"Five minutes and 40 seconds." The cold voice sounded again, urging everyone like 41 reminders.

Lan Zihan turned around, looked at Frivolous, Feng Jin and Qingyin, and smiled coldly: "Let's go together." Come one by one, they are not her opponents at all.

One against one was never what she wanted to teach them.

In front of the enemy, bullying the few with more is the kingly way. As long as you have that strength, so what if you bully others?

She is now the enemy of their seven little ones.

Frivolous turned his head to look at the two, nodded, and three small figures started from different directions and flew towards Lan Zihan.

"Whoosh..." The echo from the long whip was filled with a gust of wind and a strong momentum.

The long whip aimed at Feng Jin's pounced little figure, and the force didn't decrease at all.

Feng Jin raised her eyebrows, she flashed!

Immediately before the long whip came to her body, it flew to the side quickly, and that direction happened to be the same frivolous rush.

Nodding frivolously, floating in front of Lan Zihan: "Mother, am I cute today?" After speaking, she showed a smile.

Lan Zihan sneered.The long whip beat frivolously: "I don't mind adding makeup to you."

Playing this trick in front of her is useless.

The frivolous corners of his eyes twitched, and his figure quickly dodged to the side. This trick was really useless to his mother, who was a stickler.

Lan Zihan narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, seeing the fleeing figure in this situation, and said in a cold voice: "Get out of my way, if you don't have the whip in my hand, then what is waiting for you? Training as hell."

She wanted them to grab the whip in her hand, not to run away.

Frivolous and swiftly swept forward, shouting: "If you don't run, you are a fool. Mother will not show mercy when you whip me. A son must be a little bit self-aware." 
If he doesn't run away, he will only be beaten, and his mother will not show mercy to him.

During training, no matter who is in front of her, she is treated the same.

He had a deep understanding of this when he was in the Blood Palace.

Lan Zihan snorted coldly: "If you don't get the long whip, you still deserve to die."

Mo De changed the direction of the long whip in his hand, not hitting frivolously, but hitting behind her.

Qingyin originally sneaked up behind Lan Zihan when frivolous and Lan Zihan were fighting and talking, and quietly concealed her aura.

Seeing that she was about to get close to Lan Zihan, but just as she stretched out her little hand, there was a fierce wind blowing in front of her. She raised her eyes, and her figure quickly swept behind her.

I couldn't help crying in my heart, it was over, I was discovered, and I couldn't run fast.

Lan Zihan smiled evilly: "I haven't let you go yet." The long whip wrapped around Qingyin's waist, directly imprisoned her body in the long whip, and pulled it back hard.

(End of this chapter)

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