The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 811 Training 7 Little Guys 15

Chapter 811 Training the Seven Little Guys 15
Lan Zihan smiled slightly: "You have to be ruthless and have a long memory to be motivated."

These are nothing, her modern training was much harsher and more difficult than this, and the requirements were very strict.

If you don't add fire to them, you really think it's just play-play.

Nangong Xueling clapped her hands: "No one is stronger than you." She is a strong person, at the pervert level, they cannot surpass her.

You can only experience this feeling if you experience it yourself.

Lan Zihan smiled and said nothing, she had nothing to say about this.

No one can reach the sky in one step. If you want to get something for nothing, that is an unrealistic dream.

Another period of time passed, the time kept passing, and the running continued. All seven of them were sweating continuously, and their chests fluctuated violently. Obviously, it was caused by too rapid exercise without rest.

Lan Zihan looked at the seven people, and smiled wickedly: "Baby, there is still one lap, where is your motivation, where is your speed, and where is your persistence? Don't tell me, you can't do it after ten laps." .If you are such a rookie, why do you still train?"

It's about hitting people, making them feel stressed, making them motivated.

Sometimes, there is a lot of pressure, and occasionally you need to be encouraged.

However, in a situation like this, it just needs to be hit.

We must grasp the proportion.

Sure enough, the faces of the seven people changed when they heard such words.

I don't know if it's because of shame, or being hit, but the more frustrated they become, the more courageous they become. In short, the speed of the seven speeded up again.

Obviously, the seven people belong to the type mentioned by Lan Zihan, who will be hit once, and then they will become more and more courageous after being frustrated.

Nangong Xueling once again looked at Lan Zihan with admiration, and gave her a thumbs up, you are better!

Really strong.

Whether it's training against the sky, or Leng Luoyan, or the seven little guys today, they are all trained so well, the size is so accurate, and they are also well-measured.

To deal with different people, you need to use different methods, and Lan Zihan uses all of these very well.

Even if it was postponed and only seven children were trained, it was still so beneficial.

Lan Zihan blinked her eyes, but didn't say anything.

Qingkuang ran at the front and was in the best condition among the seven, but at this moment, he was sweating profusely and was out of breath.

The four little guys had only run two or three laps in the Blood Palace before, but they didn't run so much, and the range was expanded.

His chest heaved and heaved violently, his heavy breathing could be heard clearly, but Ru Mo's eyes were full of determination.

He cannot admit defeat, will not admit defeat, and will not give up halfway.

He remembered what his father once said, people who give up halfway will end up with nothing, and he despises that kind of people the most.

He couldn't be looked down upon by his father, and he couldn't be the kind of person he said.

As the son of Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan, he should also be as strong as them and not hold them back. Similarly, he should work hard for himself.

From the moment the training started, Leng Yichen had been very quiet, just watching the scene quietly, without interfering.

The deep and deep eyes looked in the frivolous direction, the eyes like ink seemed to be thinking about something, without focus, and the brows frowned: "Boy, can't you run anymore?" The words he said were a little hopeful charm.

(End of this chapter)

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