The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 812 Training 7 Little Guys 16

Chapter 812 Training the Seven Little Guys 16
Frivolous froze slightly, raised his eyes to look at Leng Yichen's direction, Ru Mo's eyes were full of determination, and said in a deep voice: "Daddy, don't underestimate people, how can I not run?"

Where did he see that he couldn't run anymore?He's obviously the best one, okay? It's a long way to leave a little guy behind him to win.

Leng Yichen glanced at frivolity, and said in a deep voice: "Such a slow speed, just stop."

Lightly furious, he clenched his fists: "Who said that." He underestimated him, so he just wanted to prove to him that he could do it.

After finishing speaking, the figure quickly ran forward, ignoring the irregular breathing and rapid heartbeat, his face was full of anger, like an angry little leopard.

This appearance is really similar to Leng Yichen's appearance when he was angry.

Leng Yichen looked at Qingkuang's appearance, a trace of a smile flashed across his deep eyes, but Qingkuang didn't see it.

"The way the two of them get along is really strange." Nangong Xueling looked at Lan Zihan, pursed her lips, and didn't quite understand the way Leng Yichen and frivolous get along.

Both of them are so tough and arrogant, it seems that there has never been a time when they got along with each other calmly and like a normal father and son.

Lan Zihan looked at Leng Yichen, then at I frivolous who was running furiously and furiously, a smile flashed across her phoenix eyes, the way the two of them got along was like this, she didn't care about anything. will feel strange.

Leng Yichen is domineering and arrogant, not good at expressing feelings, and frivolous always confronts Leng Yichen, how can the two of them get along peacefully?
Just like the scene just now, one seemed to be laughing, while the other got angry and confronted him.

It seems very discordant, but it is not.

Leng Yichen was the one she loved, so how could she not understand what was going on in his heart.

He just doesn't know how to get along with frivolity, he is such a domineering and powerful man, but he is the most unique to frivolity, the ridicule just now is a kind of encouragement, his encouragement and motivation to frivolity.

The same is true of frivolity, wanting to prove to Leng Yichen, wanting to prove his ability, so he always confronts him.

This is a very awkward pair of father and son. They obviously seem to get along well with each other, but they have to choose such a way.

She smiled helplessly, she didn't want to interfere with their affairs, it was a matter between the two of them, and he probably didn't want her to intervene.

Solving it yourself is the best choice.

Frivolously clenching his fists all the way, without stopping, his speed was several times faster than when he started the first lap, with a calm look on his small face sculpted in pink and jade, his whole body exuded an aura of not getting close to strangers .

The distance to the finish line was getting closer and closer, and he and the little guy had already fallen a lot. His footsteps were steady, and although his chest was beating rapidly, it did not affect his speed at all.

The finish line was only a few steps away from frivolity, he clenched his fists, rushed to the finish line in a few steps, then turned around, thinking about where Leng Yichen was on the other side and ran.

Leng Yichen leaned against the bamboo, raised his eyebrows and looked at the angry little figure, didn't speak, just watched quietly, waiting for his next words.

Frivolous ran all the way to Leng Yichen, stood still, his elegant, lovely and charming face was replaced by seriousness at this moment, looked up at Leng Yichen, and said word by word: "Daddy, I am not useless. people."

(End of this chapter)

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