Chapter 840

Looking at Feng Jin's appearance now, they all thought that she was wronged by something.

Shi Tian looked at Feng Jin, and asked, "Feng Jin, what's wrong with you?"

He still doesn't have the habit of calling Sister Fengjin, because it seems that his personality is a bit indifferent, while Fengjin is sunny, lively and optimistic, two completely different personalities, it seems that he is older than Fengjin Some.
Feng Jin wrapped her hands around the frivolous waist, still sobbing and crying, with a deep sense of grievance in her voice: "I'm uncomfortable, Wuchen rejected me, woohoo" The voice sounded extremely distressing.

Shi Tian frowned slightly, and didn't know how to comfort her, but she couldn't let Feng Jin cry like this, so her tone slowed down and softened a little: "Feng Jin, it's okay, we still have a chance , you still have room for development, if you want Wuchen to like you, it's not a problem."

In his opinion, there is still so much time for Fengjin to squander, so there is no need to worry about it.

However, they were slightly surprised in their hearts, and quite frivolously they said that Feng Jin was rejected once when she was in the Blood Palace, but the words of rejection were ambiguous and not very clear.

So, now, is it really hit?
Isn't Feng Jin always getting more courageous with frustration?It has turned into the current situation, which is really beyond his imagination.

However, when I think about it, I have to comfort those who are still sad in front of me.

Fei Mo also stepped in, blinking his eyes, and said comfortingly: "Feng Jin, the more frustrated you become, the more courageous you become, keep working hard, you can do it."

He is not very good at comforting people, he used to play with Shi Tian and Tian Zong, there was no such situation between them, this is the first time.

Tian Zong also came over and shook Feng Jin's arm: "Feng Jin, daddy said, there is nothing we can't do, as long as we try, as long as we work hard, as long as our sister is tight and tender, then, hope will be huge."

This is the principle Leng Luoyan taught him, no matter what the situation is, there is some truth to it.

They are men, they don't cry, Fengjin is a woman, they can cry freely without any scruples.

It's just that crying like this is also disturbing, they feel distressed.

The three little guys all ignored one point, that is, Frivolous, Qingyin and Qingxue didn't say anything, and didn't make any movements, they just sat there quietly, watching this 'bloody' scene.
The three just felt that it was very dramatic, and they were speechless for a while.

I had the same thought in my heart, and this guy started messing around again.

They all know Feng Jin so well, so how could they not know when her emotions are true and when they are false.

The current situation, at first glance, is that Feng Jin wants to make a joke, and it can't be taken seriously.

Seeing her being so leisurely and carefree, they didn't want to expose her anymore.

Feng Jin continued to bury her head in frivolous arms, sobbing and said: "You say, why did Wu Chen reject me? Is there something wrong with me?" The ears of the three of them were strong, and their hearts were even more disturbed and distressed. They were basically as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

They wanted to comfort Hao Fengjin's emotions, but there was nothing they could do.

Shi Tian frowned slightly, and his voice subconsciously cooled down: "Feng Jin, look at the characters of Second Emperor Uncle and Second Emperor Aunt, they will never be weak and surrender, aren't you their daughter?"

(End of this chapter)

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