Chapter 841

"Don't show me such a weak side, you should learn from their character."
In this world, no one would be unaware of the affairs of King Tianchenchen and the second concubine. Their rumors were flying all over the sky, and there were all kinds of rumors, but they were all on the good side.
The reason why he said this is that he hoped to raise Feng Jin's will and fighting power, and not to be weak like this.

Learn from Uncle Erhuang and Aunt Erhuang, they are really good and strong, that is his goal and pursuit.

Listening to Shi Tian's words frivolously, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, he loved to hear these words, that's all, his father and mother were their role models.

Even if you die standing up, you don't lose on your knees.

A strange look flashed across Qingxue's eyes, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Shi Tian: "I agree with what you said, it's very good, let's despise Feng Jin together." 
Despise, despise, despise this girl's shamelessness, despise this girl's black belly, despise this girl's playful character, despise this girl's playful character.
People are so worried over there, but she can still be so heartless, she almost can't stand it anymore.

Feng Jin's body, which was still lying in frivolous arms, moved slightly, the sobbing stopped, and she suddenly raised her head. A small face carved with pink jade was smiling like a flower, and she turned to look at Shi Tian, ​​blinking her pair of eyes that were as bright as stars. Eyes: "Shitian, look at my appearance, where is there any hurt, discouraged and decadent appearance?"

The question was very innocent, but Shi Tian, ​​Fei Mo and Tian Zong were stunned for a while, and the expressions on their faces were ever-changing.

They were tossed in the wind.
They are tragic.
At this moment, I understood in my heart, it turned out that the way I was just now was all pretended, and it was all pretended for them to see.

The important thing is, they actually believed it and were really deceived by her.

They were all so nervous and worried just now, thinking about how to comfort her, and they turned around, everything was just a joke on her own.

It's really a feeling of being speechless and powerless to tell
Shi Tian frowned slightly, stared at Feng Jin with both eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Feng Jin, there are some jokes, just enough is enough, don't treat our concern as worthless."

This is where he got angry, after all, he just thought she was really rejected by Mo Wuchen, so he felt uncomfortable and cried to vent.

At this moment, it also came to a sudden realization. It turned out that the frivolous three hadn't spoken all the time, because they had already seen Feng Jin's tricks, and only he, Fei Mo and Tian Zong were kept in the dark and didn't know it.
I really don't like this feeling, and I don't want to have a next time.

The frivolous and frivolous people also felt the seriousness of the situation, and the smiles on their faces disappeared, replaced by serious ones, all looking at the instigator.

Feng Jin also stopped joking at this moment, looked up at Shi Tian, ​​then at Fei Mo and Tian Zong, and said in a deep voice: "I won't make jokes next time, I won't make fun of your concern and feelings anymore. After that, he stuck out his tongue, blinked his eyes along the way, and smiled cutely; "Forgive me."

With such an elf and lovely Feng Jin, how could the three of them continue to be angry.

The corners of Shi Tian's lips curled up: "Well, remember, feelings are not meant to be joked about, we must have a sense of proportion."

For such a lovely person, he really couldn't say such cold words the second time.

(End of this chapter)

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