Chapter 858
She didn't like that feeling, she felt that Mo Wuchen might disappear at any time, and nothing could arouse his interest or distract him.

She didn't like this feeling very much.

She just wanted to see Mo Wuchen get angry for her or change her mood because of her, but there was nothing.

So, she was very distressed, very distressed.

Frivolous narrowed his eyes slightly, Ru Mo's eyes flashed a strange look, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Feng Jin: "Do you really want to know?"

Is it because of this?That's why she was so unhappy and troubled.

Feng Jin blinked her eyes and nodded: "Well, that's it." She didn't like this, so why didn't Wu Chen show any emotional changes?
If you say you care, but Mo Wuchen treats everyone the same, and does not treat anyone special.

She wants to be special, she wants more than that.

The frivolous corners of his lips twitched slightly: "Feng Jin, if this is the case, isn't it simple? Godmother and the others talk about so many bloody plots, you can just pick one of them and apply what you have learned, and you are not afraid that you won't see the change in Wu Chen's expression."
Bitter tricks, haven't you heard of it?They often heard Nangong Xueling talking to them nonsense, saying that they could use it when chasing girls or boys in the future.

However, they never used it because they didn't feel they needed it.

However, now that Feng Jin needs it, he doesn't mind helping her.

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, and looked up at Frivolous: "Brother, which one is better?" She has heard so many gossip dramas, and she really doesn't know which one is more suitable.

She has really participated in dog blood dramas.

Frivolously pinched Feng Jin's cheeks, and smiled jokingly: "Since when did your mind become so dull?" Even if he didn't say these things, as long as she mentions them, she will have a solution.
Feng Jin rolled her eyes, turned her eyes, and there was a gleam in her eyes: "I know what to do."

She is very good at these things without being taught by others.

Frivolous raised eyebrows: "What way?" How bloody?

A smile appeared in Feng Jin's eyes, and she leaned into frivolous ears and whispered something.

The golden light filled the earth, carrying a trace of scorching breath. Everyone was so lazy and leisurely, and the breath was very quiet and quiet.

For several days in a row, Feng Jin practiced normally. She didn't go to see Mo Wuchen, nor did she go out to play. Instead, she was training very seriously.

During the break at noon, Qingxue couldn't bear it anymore: "Feng Jin, you have been very quiet these few days."

The quieter it is, the more it feels wrong, but it doesn't seem to have changed.

So, this is what she finds strange.

Feng Jin leaned against a bamboo, looked at Qingxue with raised eyebrows, and smiled jokingly: "Little Qingxue, do you really hope that I have something to do?"

Is she all right?
Qingxue smiled slightly, and shook her head: "That's not what it means, but, don't you think you are weird? These days."

After returning from that day, she acted like a normal person, this time made her think that she was fine.

In fact, that's what she thought, she was fine.

However, it didn't feel right.

Shi Tian and the others didn't notice it, it was because they didn't spend enough time with Feng Jin, the four of them grew up together in the Blood Palace, and they knew each other very well, so she found out.

(End of this chapter)

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