Chapter 859
With just one look, you can tell what each other is thinking.

Although Feng Jin looks like a normal person, she must be thinking about something or planning something in her heart.

Feng Jin didn't feel it was funny, and looked at Qingxue with both eyes: "Then tell me, what's wrong with me? Huh?"
She wants to hear it, what's wrong with her?

I thought to myself, does this guy really understand her that well?You already know her next plan?

Secretly rejected it again, it's impossible.

If they knew, it would not be the current situation. She and Qingkuang didn't tell Qingxue and the others about those things, so they didn't know about it.

Since she chose not to speak, she naturally had her reasons.

Qingyin smiled sweetly: "Feng Jin, if we know, do we still need to ask you?"

If they knew, they would not be in the puzzled state they are now, so why would they need to ask questions knowingly.

Feng Jin blinked her mouth in boredom, and waved her hand: "You guys are paranoid, I'm normal, okay?"
She's normal, really normal.

It's just that this incident alone doesn't mean that she is very strange, okay? It can only mean that there is a secret, and I can't tell a few people yet.

Qing Xue turned her head and raised her eyebrows to look at Qing Kuang beside her: "Qian Kuang, do you think Feng Jin's words are credible?"

I don't know if it's because Feng Jin is strange, she vaguely feels that frivolity is also a little strange, but, she can't see it so clearly and clearly.

Both of them are dark-bellied masters who hide their secrets. It is normal to want to hide something, and there is nothing strange about it.

It is somewhat difficult to dig it out.

Leaning frivolously and lazily beside another bamboo, he waved his hand leisurely: "Qingxue, you've become worse, you can't see it anymore."

The answer is ambiguous, making it impossible to understand the meaning inside.

Qingxue rolled her eyes: "What's wrong with me? I think everything is wrong with you."

A pair of black-bellied brothers and sisters can't be cured by ordinary people, and even they are helpless.

Frivolously spread his hands, and chuckled; "Do you think I have become handsome recently? Like me? Well, you can have the front ones, but you don't need the latter ones. I have already been chased by many people, and you can't be ranked of."

He has a problem, yeah, a problem, it's just that they don't see it.

He wasn't hiding anything, it was just that they couldn't see it, so who was to blame?

Qingxue looked at frivolously with contempt: "I found that godfather's genes, have your genes been genetically mutated, godfather is such a perfect person, your personality is really not like a godmother, nor is it like a god-father .”
Leng Yichen's character is cold and arrogant, he refuses people thousands of miles away, he rarely smiles in front of others, only in front of Lan Zihan can he always maintain a smile and a good mood.

Such an excellent man, but his frivolous temper is like no one else, there is really an impulse that he must be mutated.
There was a smile in the frivolous eyes, and he raised his eyebrows and looked at Qingxue: "Don't you think I have a better temper than my father? It is more able to make people get closer, instead of being so cold and repelling people thousands of miles away? "

Personality is innately cultivated, and he was born with this kind of personality.

It's different from his father, but it's closer, so it won't make people feel difficult to get along with.

He has a dark belly, he is cute, he is cute, he can do whatever he wants, all of these can be done at will.

(End of this chapter)

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