The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 865 Asking Mo Wuchen to Visit the Lake 3

Chapter 865 Asking Mo Wuchen to Visit the Lake 3
Gao Jie is like a white lotus, unstained by dust, and cannot be desecrated, as if he will turn into a cloud and dissipate at any time, and go away with the wind.

She wasn't the only one who felt this way, all of them were frivolous.

This feeling is very unreal and very ethereal.

If Feng Jin can really move his heart, it may not be a good thing, everyone is happy.

She hopes that everyone she cares about will live a good life and be happy and happy.

Who is the salvation of whom, and who is the reform of destiny, all of this is still unknown.

The corners of Mo Wuchen's lips drew a shallow arc: "These are irrelevant, life is the same, nothing will change. Now, I am living a good life, right? I have long been used to it, and my personality is the same, so, there really will be nothing Inappropriate place."
For more than 20 years, he has lived like this, and he has long been used to it.

These are not deliberately disguised, but his character is born like this.

He will choose the former between a comfortable and lively life, he is used to that kind of life.

It is said that habit becomes natural, if it can be changed, can it really change the character and temperament that was born like this?

The seven little guys were all at a loss, and they didn't know what to say.

If one day Mo Wuchen's personality changes, if one day he goes in and out of that lively place, maybe they will feel that he is no longer the same him as before.

Elegant like a fairy, cool and dusty.

He is him, the unique Mo Wuchen.

Feng Jin frowned, her heart clenched together.

So Mo Wuchen, what should she do?
Was she so selfish that she never thought about him?Just thinking about herself?
Is that so?

She didn't know and didn't know.

Anyway, give it a try this time.

Shi Tian turned to look at Qingyin who was in a daze: "Sister-in-law, have you become so quiet?"

They are usually very talkative and lively.

Now, the atmosphere in the carriage was too quiet, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Qingyin looked up at Shitian, frowning: "Shitian, you need to change your address, I'm not your sister-in-law."

This guy, why do you still call her sister-in-law? It really made her feel ashamed.

Shitian blinked innocently, then turned to look at Qingxue: "Qingxue, do you think my name is wrong?"

It's normal for him to call her sister-in-law.

Besides, she didn't refute when she confronted frivolously just now, so she acquiesced.

Qingxue glanced at Shi Tian appreciatively, and said calmly: "There's nothing wrong with that." Finished speaking.He even raised his eyes to look at Frivolous and Qingyin, and laughed happily: "How can there be mistakes, are you right?"

That title is correct, so there is nothing to tangle with.

Qingyin wanted to speak, but was preempted by frivolity.

With a frivolous and evil laugh, he nodded: "Yes, that's right." He didn't have any objections to calling him that.

There were three black lines on Qingyin's forehead, and she stared frivolously: "Can I think you're teasing me?" She had a feeling of being taken advantage of.

Frivolously raised eyebrows in surprise: "Little Qingyin, don't you think you took advantage? I'm so good, shouldn't you be a little excited?"

It looked as if, besides, he was at a disadvantage and she was taking advantage.

The corners of Qingyin's eyes twitched: "How can I take advantage of it?" She cast a scornful glance at Qingkuang: "Brother Qingkuang, you won't have a backache while sitting and talking."

(End of this chapter)

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