The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 866 Asking Mo Wuchen to Visit the Lake 4

Chapter 866 Asking Mo Wuchen to Visit the Lake 4
Didn't she feel that she took advantage of it?On the contrary, there is a possibility that frivolity took advantage.

Frivolously blinked at Qingyin, and smiled very comfortably: "Little Qingyin, I am lying down, so of course my back hurts when I talk, on the contrary, it is very comfortable."
He was already lying down, why should he sit when there is such a big place on a soft couch?

He never abused himself, nor did he abuse himself.

Qingyin looked at Frivolous, well, he is indeed lying down.

Damn, I can really pick words.

She pouted: "No one is more leisurely than you."

This guy always looks relaxed everywhere, looking at her really makes her speechless.

A frivolous and evil smile: "Little Qingyin, I have always been so leisurely."

He has always been so leisurely, he has nothing to worry about, and he is in a good mood, so why pretend to be depressed there?

Qingyin decisively despised someone: "Contempt."

She despises him, despises him.

Frivolous and lazy smile: "Accept your contempt, allow you to despise again, I won't mind."

Contempt is also a kind of enjoyment.

A certain child turned his head decisively, ignoring his frivolity.

He can handle anything, so what the hell is she talking about?
People say a lot of mistakes, and she is blocked when she says what she says. Is there anyone who is so sad?
Do you have?
Fei Mo looked at Qing Yin with a smile in his eyes: "Sister-in-law, you must become more and more courageous, defeat frivolity, and become king."

The meaning in the words seems to carry the charm of support.

Tian Zong clapped his hands: "I agree, sister-in-law, isn't there a trick called beauty tricks? You don't need to use this trick, just be a little cute, and big brother will be subdued by you." 
Three black lines across Qingyin's forehead. What are these people thinking?

Damn, does she need to go moe?

She's cute even if she doesn't pretend, okay?

Can she despise them for their lack of vision?It's true that I've been with frivolity for a long time, and I'm all inclined to him.

She despised the few of them, even frivolously.

Looking at Fei Mo and the others with raised eyebrows, his small face suddenly smiled like a flower: "I am so good-looking, do I need to post it upside down?"
It's true that Frivolous looks are excellent, but there's no need to underestimate her, right?
That was the obvious blow, Chiguoguo's blow.

Feimo rubbed his chin with one hand, looked at Qingyin, shook his head, and said seriously: "You have to know that frivolity is very popular. If you don't pay close attention to him, sister-in-law, he will run away. If you are caught Someone snatched it away, sister-in-law, who do you go to cry for comfort?"

What he said was all the truth, and his frivolous appearance was indeed outstanding and outstanding.

However, Qingyin is not bad, equally outstanding and excellent.

He looked at the two of them as a good match, and they were in perfect harmony.

Furthermore, when she was in the bamboo forest, Qingyin had already admitted her relationship with frivolity, and didn't refute anything. Isn't that an admission?
Now that it's like this, it must be awkward with frivolity, he said he can understand.

Qingyin looked at the sky speechlessly, but when she looked, she saw the roof of the car, but she couldn't see the sky, which made her even more depressed.

She blinked her eyes: "Feimo, that's not what you said. Please don't associate me with frivolous brother. Don't you realize that I always call him brother? So, the meaning contained in it, you Should understand."

She always called frivolous brother, okay?How can there be such a relationship between them?Do not joke.

(End of this chapter)

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